Kay... natural level 8 no gold at all dirty blonde natural. She was colouring level 4 for years. She went blonde in Aug, lots of bleach and then tone with pearl ash blonde. She now has roots over 1 inch level 8. Now her hair is light and I am nervous of her hair going purple or green or just yucky. I use koleston I did strand test on wet hair used 8/17 hardly made a difference. Thinking level 7 same color probably comes out as an 8. Any other ideas? This girl does not like red gold nothing warm. When i toned her there was mauvey color near roots when under flouresent light but prefect under regular lights for a few days. Any other combo to use or should this be ok. ALSO another client with long hair natural level 6 with old perm and old blonde foils 20 vol. Wants to be a warm brown doesnt mine golds chestnut brown is what she is thinking with a few blondes. What mix would make a nice brown without being to gold.