HELP!! Finding it hard to get GELeration soaked off!!


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Feb 26, 2006
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Hi there everyone!

I'm pretty sure I am doing something wrong!
Anyhows I am having terrible difficulties getting the GELeration soaked off?! I've done everything as was taught to me........saturate cotton wool with Erase cover with foil and I've even put them in heated mitts to excelerate the process but still after 20 mins I've still got some gel left and it hasn't 'peeled off'!! It looks completely stuck on to the nail bed. Perhaps I'm putting it on too well?!

Can anyone suggest the best and quickest way to remove these nails as all my clients love them but I'm getting the hump with getting it off! This is because I'm also used to just buffing gel off.

Many thanks
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Hi Gaby

You need to make sure you completely remove the shine from each nail.
Then add the cotton wool soaked in erase, wrap in foil, shiny side in.

I have always followed the above and never had any problems with removal of GELeration.

If you still have problems call the Customer Service dept at Jessica, they will guide you through any issues or speak to your Area Manager.


Yes I made sure all the shine had gone.
I think I used the erase a little too sparingly?! I tried it again with more product and it seemed to work better. But I'm still not a 100% happy with the supposed quick removal. I do think it takes longer than they say it does.

I shall continue my quest in finding out how and what works the best and quickest!

Thanks for the reply
Hi im new to this site and this is my first reply so I hope Im doing it right, but basically I have been using the Geleration Gels for 3 months now and am still having problems getting it off!
Ive tried everything I can think of, soaking the cotton wool in remover or leaving the nails wrapped for 20 mins even adding heat but it still deosn't seam to come off as easy as they say and its driving me nuts!
Ive even had to increase my treatment time which is bringing down my profit!
Do you have to really file it iff ir just lightly take off the shine??
HELP! :irked:
I can only speak from a soak off gel girl not geleration but from a Calgel point of view if you dont put enough solution on they will take forever.If your client fidgets about and loosens the contact between the soak pad and nail they wont come off and if you use too much heat for too long a time the pad will dry out and the gel will pratically fix itself back on again.
Soaking off with foil can be an art in itself so dont get disheartened:)
I dont use gelaeration, but use axxium and I believe they are similar. When buffing before removal you need to buff slightly more than to just remove shine. I try to remove all of the clear top coat, it doesn't take long at all then axxium soaks off well. Hopefully it will be the same with Geleration.

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