Hi I've got so many questions!!! I'm 34 and really wanting to go to college
part time to train as a hairdresser. The thing is i started my training 10 years ago and completed about a year but trained in a salon and I couldn't stand all the bitching!!! Please put me out of my misery and tell me not all salons are awful to work in as I'd love to style hair but have been put off by the hell hole of a salon i was in back then!!!
I really enjoyed the work and learning it all but would it be better if i went
to college to learn? Also I've been reading up that all hairdressers can talk for england (no offense meant!) and i'm chatty but not THAT outgoing and i would say i'm "bubbly" either! I just like doing hair and want people to look and feel good! Thankyou !!! Advice wanted!!!!!