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Oct 30, 2013
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Hi I need help please. I work as a mobile beautician. A month ago I decided to rent a nail station inside a Salon where I pay my rent weekly and work on a self employed basis and choose my own hours. When I took the table she asked for a months deposit which I paid. Last week she moaned at me about the hours I do saying she wants me there more often but some days I sit there doing nothing when I could have done a mobile client. I have decided to give notice but I'm not sure if I need to give a month or a week as I don't want to loose my deposit. I haven't signed any contract when I took the table
If you haven't signed a contract you aren't entitled to give any notice at all. But obviously you need to do the right thing and give her notice... However it doesn't sound like you have been there long enough to give in yet?! You have just started so give it time? You can't expect to be a millionaire over night... These things take time and patience and you need to build a reputation up.
Hi thanks for the reply. I don't expect to be a millionaire overnight but if I work for myself she can't all off a sudden start telling me what hours to do. I have a good agreement with her and if I have a mobile client I give her lots if notice so she knows I will be in a little late or if I need to go early. But she got funny about that the other day saying she wants me there all the time.
Why not take one day only that you do the clients that won't come to your new space. Then they can either wait or come to you. Instead of sitting at your nail desk go to the other clients give them a pinkie nail done in whatever system you use or a dry mani and just buff to shine it won't take long and will make you look busy too. :)
I can see where your Both coming from though you can be Doing other things she's not your boss etc. but if she has told clients oh we've a nail tech now that person looks for you but your not there it looks bad on her already established business.
Sorry but it's not going to work if you don't put the time and hours in and yes that does mean sitting there for hours on end twiggling your thumbs! However whilst you're doing nothing, talk to the salon owner, put your heads together and come up with different ways of getting clients in.

I've seen this time and time again, nail technicians and beauticians renting space and then not being there at the crucial times, a customer will probably only pop in or call by once for information on your services or to book an appointment, if you're not there they are unlikely to call / come back.

If you have a good mobile client base, try putting them into one day, say a Monday and one evening, the rest of the time concentrate on your new venture or give up and stay mobile. :)
Sorry but it's not going to work if you don't put the time and hours in and yes that does mean sitting there for hours on end twiggling your thumbs! However whilst you're doing nothing, talk to the salon owner, put your heads together and come up with different ways of getting clients in.

I've seen this time and time again, nail technicians and beauticians renting space and then not being there at the crucial times, a customer will probably only pop in or call by once for information on your services or to book an appointment, if you're not there they are unlikely to call / come back.

If you have a good mobile client base, try putting them into one day, say a Monday and one evening, the rest of the time concentrate on your new venture or give up and stay mobile. :)

I completely agree... Also may I point out... Now you have a premises and you are renting a space why not just tell your clients that from now on you would prefer them to come to your place of work... I don't understand why people rent places and then spend half their time doing mobile work?? What is the point... At least then if you ask people to come to your place of work then you can show off what you can really do?
I am just finishing my nail level 3 qualification and am finding it hard to find clients. I have not done anything like this before and find it difficult building up a fanbase or client list. Does anyone have any ideas of what I can do to build up clients?:Scared:

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