Help tips keep coming off


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Jan 29, 2008
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Hi Everyone
Does anyone have any idea why these tips keep coming off on one of my clients.

She as some white tips i dont have the name of the make i got these in a kit off my tutor they are quite thin and the edges are very pointy. so they have a great smile line, but on one of my clients they keep popping off after the first week of being on. She didnt mind she just came back for her infill appointment and i put on another set of these tips, she did have them quite long so the second time i put plenty of product on to see if that made a difference but no in her second week pop pop they came off again.

This time we decided to put different tips on and use white acrylic for the french look.

The white tips that i used before for her i use on another client and have had no trouble at all, i have made sure she is following her after care advice, i just dont understand it at all.

Got any ideas i would appreciate it, yes i did prep properly i spend more time on prep to be sure, but just dont understand why they keep coming off on this client.

It could be the shape of her nails that is the problem, If she has very flat nails or overly curved ones the tips wont sit snuggly on the nail.
She as some white tips i dont have the name of the make i got these in a kit off my tutor they are quite thin and the edges are very pointy. so they have a great smile line, but on one of my clients they keep popping off after the first week of being on. She didnt mind she just came back for her infill appointment and i put on another set of these tips, she did have them quite long so the second time i put plenty of product on to see if that made a difference but no in her second week pop pop they came off again.

Nails don't just 'pop pop' and they're off...they may appear to just 'pop' off to the client but if your sure you prepped thoroughly and did everything else as you should then there should be no popping :)

They 'pop' AFTER the first week....the client doesnt mind...she had them quite thinking your client has them too long for her 'lifestyle' and the nails are getting a few knocks...each knock weakens the nail until eventually it comes off (''appearing'' to just come off).

This time we decided to put different tips on and use white acrylic for the french look.
You do need to make sure you use the right needs to match her c-curve...if her nails are quite flat and you apply tips with a strong c-curve then there are 2 conflicting surfaces....the tip will alwalys be trying to pull back up to its original shape if it has been applied to a flat nail for example.
The white tips that i used before for her i use on another client and have had no trouble at all, i have made sure she is following her after care advice, i just dont understand it at all.
Do you go home with her and stay there until her next appointment to see that she is following her afterare?? :lol: She might tell you she is looking after them...that doesnt necessarily mean she is!

Got any ideas i would appreciate it, yes i did prep properly i spend more time on prep to be sure, but just dont understand why they keep coming off on this client.
perhaps next time you should significantly reduce the length and see if this makes a difference.

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