help with C.V. please guys


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nicky's nails

Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2007
Reaction score
hi guys

i have to produce a CV for my college portfolio, and im struggling to be honest, its supposed to be , for when we go to salons looking for employment, but since i wont be doing this ever , it feels a bit pointless, nevertheless i have to have one in my folder

i have to admit i have never had a C.V. in my life,
so ive been searching and ive found one in the books i have (either jacqui's or marians i cant remeber which) but its very basic, just name address, school, work, etc, but then i looked at the C.V templates on microsoft works, and they are sooo complicated

what i want is, for anyone who's got a C.V to let me know whats on yours, what sections are there and how many? then i can add bits and jiggle mine round a little


hi guys

i have to produce a CV for my college portfolio, and im struggling to be honest, its supposed to be , for when we go to salons looking for employment, but since i wont be doing this ever , it feels a bit pointless, nevertheless i have to have one in my folder

i have to admit i have never had a C.V. in my life,
so ive been searching and ive found one in the books i have (either jacqui's or marians i cant remeber which) but its very basic, just name address, school, work, etc, but then i looked at the C.V templates on microsoft works, and they are sooo complicated

what i want is, for anyone who's got a C.V to let me know whats on yours, what sections are there and how many? then i can add bits and jiggle mine round a little



My hubby says try this link

CV writing tips

That is a really good CV site.

Alot of Job sites also offer a basic free CV evaluation too if you want to check those out. Total Jobs and if you google job sites it will being more up.


awww thanks rach and ta 2 ur hubby, will have a look see
hi guys

i have to produce a CV for my college portfolio, and im struggling to be honest, its supposed to be , for when we go to salons looking for employment, but since i wont be doing this ever , it feels a bit pointless, nevertheless i have to have one in my folder

i have to admit i have never had a C.V. in my life,
so ive been searching and ive found one in the books i have (either jacqui's or marians i cant remeber which) but its very basic, just name address, school, work, etc, but then i looked at the C.V templates on microsoft works, and they are sooo complicated

what i want is, for anyone who's got a C.V to let me know whats on yours, what sections are there and how many? then i can add bits and jiggle mine round a little



Hello chick!

Have you got an e-mail add hun? Let me know and I'll send mine. You can mess about with it to your hearts content then!!

Bev x:hug:
from what i remember:

one page long (one and a half maximum). employers only spend 30 secs on each CV so you need to get them in the first two paragraphs.

then it goes something like this:

Telephone Number


Sell yourself with a short passage written "about you" but not "by you" so it goes something like this:

Intelligent, articulate and well presented individual, with experience in [blah blah]etc etc.

(rather than "I am an intelligent, articulate and well presented individual and i am experienced in" .... you get where i'm going yea?)]


Briefly describe any work experience you have had in the area in which the employer is looking for. This bit is particularly good for describing stuff and bigging yourself up if you haven't had any actual paid employment. again, it needs to be written "about you" not "by you"

Employment History

List employment in reverse order for example:

2006 - present - Touch Nails - Manager
2004 - 2006 - Nails R Us - Nail Technician
2002 - 2004 - Perfect Digits - Junior Technician
etc etc

if you have had loads of different jobs and it's quite a long list, stick to listing the jobs that are [nail] related only. If you have no previous paid employment then list any voluntary work or work experience you have had. if you have neither concentrate on the "Experience" section above and leave this bit out.


Again, Education in reverse order: for example

May 2007 - Spa Manicure/Pedicure - Creative Nail Design
June 2006 - Foundation Course - Creative Nail Design
Sept 2005 - [name of] beauty course - [name of] college
[year] - [List of GSCEs etc] - [name of school]


Won any awards/competitions to do with the job? whack it in here.

Also list any other achievements such as running marathon's/voluntary work, etc but put job related achievements first.

Personal Interests

Hobbies etc.


note: you don't put names of referees on CVs.
most important... NO MISTAKES OR TYPOs or your CV will go in the Bin.

Hope this helps hun.

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