How to you show yours??


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Fab Freak

Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2003
Reaction score
Bondsville, West Yorkshire
:p Hi all, just wondered how you all display your nail art. Me personally use an artists pallet at the moment (found best as mobile) but do you have any other suggestions or neat ideas :idea: Love you hear your thoughts
Fab Freak said:
:p Hi all, just wondered how you all display your nail art. Me personally use an artists pallet at the moment (found best as mobile) but do you have any other suggestions or neat ideas :idea: Love you hear your thoughts

if you do a search for displaying nail art you will find a previous thread on this subject ;)
crazy'n'creative said:
if you do a search for displaying nail art you will find a previous thread on this subject ;)
i use glass picture frames , where you are supposed to put the photo in , i put a sheet of coloured paper[i find a dark colour best] then on the surface of the glass i stick narrow bits of adhesive backed velcro. stick the other half of the velcro to the backs of your sample nails, then arrange them on the frame. i like doing it like this because they are easy to move round if you add other designs at a later date.

I use spare nail tips to paint nail art on and then use some white tack and stick them in a photo album for clients to flick through with a mixture of nail photos! A blob of white tack stuck into the back of the display nail and you can display it any where and change easily when you want!!

As its white tack you can't see it through pale varnished display nails!! ;) but it's easy to remove so if clients want to hold nail on their finger to imagine what it will look like they can do so easily. Sometimes I display nails on a board with an advertisement and keep on a shelf near the polishes to attract nail clients to the nail art service, this works well.
This is how I show some of mine


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Debs said:
This is how I show some of mine
Wow thats mad...never seen anything like that before,,,how unique.. :p
WOW!!!! Debs that is sooo cool,
Luv it! Luv it! Luv it!
:) I show my nail art on those nail discs which you can purchase from The Creative One Stop Nail Shop, it only costs 1.95 per disc and you cand do up to 20 designs on this wheel, they are neet and compact and I actually have started to just usera little blue tac on the back and stick them to my wall. I work from home, from a summer house in my back garden, and as the walls are plain painted they really stand out, and its not a huge expense.
By the way just to let you know, I am self taught in the nail art dept, and only recently started dabbling in this field, but I am proud to say I have had one of these above mentioned discs published in this months Nails mag. Sorry to boast but I am so excited.

Hope I havnt bored you all.

LOL Carol Boothroyd
PS. Even though you are mobile, using the discs are easy to carry round, and you can display them in a CD Holder (Case).

Hope this helps.
:) I show my nail art on those nail discs which you can purchase from The Creative One Stop Nail Shop, it only costs 1.95 per disc and you cand do up to 20 designs on this wheel, they are neet and compact and I actually have started to just usera little blue tac on the back and stick them to my wall.
Good for you on the nail art in magazine I will keep my eyes peeled... I too have sent my art off hopefully for Aprils edition :green: I know the wheels you mean might have a go...Thanks for the idea :idea: and welcome to the site if you are new you will love it..All the best
:p Hi Louise,

Good to hear you have sent your nail art work up to Nails Mag, I will keep my eyes peeled also for the April edition. Its a great feeling when you see your work displayed for all to see.

Good luck, let me know if you try the discs.


ps.Joined the geek site July last year( just luv it)
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