If you are self employed in salon, do you also do mobile?


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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2006
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East of England
Hi all
Just a quick thought to see what People do.... If you are self employed within a salon, do you also do mobile clients? X
Hi all
Just a quick thought to see what People do.... If you are self employed within a salon, do you also do mobile clients? X

I do everything. Mostly spend time in one salon, but still have my mobile clients and work at few other salons freelance and by appointment only x I'm self employed everywhere

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It would depend on what you defined as self employed!! I have a girls who want to be self employed but also want to be paid if no clients !!! eg they work on a Tuesday, Thursday and every other Saturday and they want to be paid for the whole time they are there! SO to me that is technically employed.

It screams want there cake and eat it !!
It would depend on what you defined as self employed!! I have a girls who want to be self employed but also want to be paid if no clients !!! eg they work on a Tuesday, Thursday and every other Saturday and they want to be paid for the whole time they are there! SO to me that is technically employed.

It screams want there cake and eat it !!
Self employment has rules, you can't just decide what 'you call' self employed.
Self employed means:
You set your prices, have your own business name & branding, choose & buy your products, pay your own NI & tax, choose what to wear, when to go on holiday, where & when you work, what treatments you offer (if you don't want to offer waxing or perms you don't have to), you pay your rent to the landlord (either set amount or split), you can ask someone else to do the work you book in (not an employed person within the salon - another freelance tech :wink2:), you decide if your doing offers & what they are, you do your own advertising etc.... So your running your own business under the salon roof.

You CAN'T be self employed and be told you are to work set hours or days. You CAN'T be self employed and paid a set wage if no clients come in. You CAN'T be self employed and told what to wear, what prices to charge or what services you must offer etc...

There is a tool on the HMRCwebsite that will tell you if your self employed or employed and the HMRC do not take it lightly when they find salons that are using the term self employed but are treating the tech's as employed staff. They make the salon pay the NI & tax for those employees & I think they can fine them too.
HM Revenue & Customs: Employment Status Indicator
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Thank you Baggybear! That's great info I'm going to take a look at hmrc and get clued up! X
I was classed as self employed at the last place i worked. I worked mobile for friends and family on the days i was not there.

But i have found out this week, the "manager" of the salon had told her business partner she had employed me and she was taking the money i should have been paid. I only found this out as he questioned why i was advertising appts for mobile work on my business page on fb he had agreed with her that if i was to be employed i was not to do mobile work. If i was employed this would not have been a problem. I set my own prices and hours, they did request for me to wear the "salon uniform" which they wanted me to buy. But i have my own beauty tunics and a gelish t-shirt which i wore and felt i looked professional in when working on clients.

Leely xx
Hmm it seems many salon owners are making their own rules then?! I was going to take on some days at a salon 'self employed' and they have told me I have to wear set uniform, do set hours and scrap my mobile business! Feel this is not a good deal, iv worked hard to build up the clients I have :/
Hmm it seems many salon owners are making their own rules then?! I was going to take on some days at a salon 'self employed' and they have told me I have to wear set uniform, do set hours and scrap my mobile business! Feel this is not a good deal, iv worked hard to build up the clients I have :/

Yes some do! They want staff but don't want the hassle of holiday pay/ tax, NI so they call you "Self employed" & think thats ok. Some of their potential staff don't realise they are doing anything wrong as they know no different. Sad really as they could make said employers back pay tax/holiday pay etc, not to mention get them in trouble.

There was a debate on here a while ago, a salon owner preferred SE (stylists/therapists) as they were more reliable, yet took their payments, told them their hours, made the price list, uniform etc.

You should be able to do as you please in your rented space, come & go when you want to provided the owner gets their rent... All should be well.

Pink_Princess what you mean is salons are trying it on & any are getting away with it because people are too keen to get in and get on - they don't know their rights or the rules (that I think all self employed people should know before actually starting out).
If HMRC were told that the salon was doing this they would come down hard on that salon.
HMRC do not like the lines of self employed & employed being blurred at all.

It is quite simple really, if you are self employed then you are the boss and therefore what you do is up to you. Nobody can tell you what to do as it is your business.

If you decide to work from a salon base & you rent a room then they become your LANDLORD not your boss, they JUST take rent from you, that does NOT give them rights to tell you what hours you work, what you wear, what services you offer, what prices you charge, what products you use, what you do outside the salon or when you can take time off.

Obviously they will want your business to be a compliment to their business so making sure you have similar work ethics & vision of what you want in business is important & I think too many people just look at the room and don't look at the salon closely enough to ensure that the salon will be somewhere that actually suits them & their business.

You wouldn't move into a shared house without first making sure you met the other tennants & you thought you'd get along with them but people rent a room in a salon without checking out if they will actually fit in to the salon environment.
100% agree with Baggybear!
Hmm it seems many salon owners their own rules then?! I was going to take on some days at a salon 'self employed' and they have told me I have to wear set uniform, do set hours and scrap my mobile business! Feel this is not a good deal, iv worked hard to build up the clients I have :/

They sound like a prize bunch of rude words. Avoid them like fake shellac lol.
100% agree with Baggybear!

Amen to that. When I get into teaching I'm going to make sure to make this clear to people so they can look for legitimate work in an informed way.
...You wouldn't move into a shared house without first making sure you met the other tennants & you thought you'd get along with them but people rent a room in a salon without checking out if they will actually fit in to the salon environment.

I think this is an excellent comparison.

It works both ways. As the landlord, you'd want to be sure your new tenant is reliable, tidy and doesn't have any disagreeable habits before giving them a set of keys. :)
I am currently looking for a new beauty room and went to view 2 today.
Both at which I would be self employed. The first one advised me even though I would be renting the room they also wanted a % of the price for each treatment as the clients would all be their own due to previous BT leaving. They then went on to say if I was not there for all days they are open (which is 6) they would employ someone to work the days I don't and they wanted to set their own prices. Fair to say I won't be going back. When I said so you want someone who is self employed and does as you tell then they replied yes. The spray tanning room was tiny, I'm only 5ft 3 and I only just fitted. x

Leely x
I am currently looking for a new beauty room and went to view 2 today.
Both at which I would be self employed. The first one advised me even though I would be renting the room they also wanted a % of the price for each treatment as the clients would all be their own due to previous BT leaving. They then went on to say if I was not there for all days they are open (which is 6) they would employ someone to work the days I don't and they wanted to set their own prices. Fair to say I won't be going back. When I said so you want someone who is self employed and does as you tell then they replied yes. The spray tanning room was tiny, I'm only 5ft 3 and I only just fitted. x

Leely x

Good on you Leely, the more people are aware of the difference between employed & self employed means these people cant have their cake & eat it. Xx
Good on you Leely, the more people are aware of the difference between employed & self employed means these people cant have their cake & eat it. Xx

If it was not for Salon geek I would probably not have known. So I'm very grateful for that. I have always been employed x

Leely x

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