Active Member
Hello all, im very new to this site and hoping for some help and guidence, I recently passed Acrylics nails course with NSI and now trying very hard to bulid my clients up as i am hoping to work from home but im also willing to do some mobile. I have delivered so many leaflets that i must of lost 2 stone with all the walking about. I left my full time job to work part time mornings while i build clients up but for some reason i am not getting any response with my leaflets at all - I had imagined it would of been alot easier than this but im finding it very hard. im starting to worry that as i am not doing nails at the moment that my confidence will slowly start to go and my dream of being a susessful nail technician is not going to happen! what is the best route for me? i would also love to work in a salon but with my lack of experience im not sure if any salons would want to employ me. Any advise would be very much appreciated.