Ingrowing Toenail


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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2006
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Ow it hurts it hurts!!!!!Please someone help me-i don't want to go see the dr and have him cut my toe there anything i can do???
I read a thread somewhere saying that gel toes can stop ingrowing toenails-but mine have only ever grown in a bit before adn not really caused much of a problem-but this time it really really hurts(i have gel on tehm btw)
should i file the gel off then try cutting them,did i do something wrong when putting the gel on/can going too close to the sidewalls cause this problem???
I hope someone can help me as i spent all night with my big toe throbbing and i had to sleep with it outside the covers for fear of hurting it more-ressulting in 1 very cold foot,then when i got up i bashed it on the wall!!!Owwwwwwww
I have lost my centre of gravity now due to the bump and i just keep wacking it on everything-and it really really hurts!!!!!:cry:
Well if its throbing you are very likely to have an infection. It might be worth going to the docs just to get something for the infection. Usually anti-biotics but not sure if that is what he will give you due to being pregnant. What ever you do dont pick at it yourself or the infection could get worse. That is what I done thinking I could help it myself and ended up having minor surgery.
It does feel really sore, I know, and for some reason if you are going to hit something its always with the sore foot!!
If you go to a chiropodist, they will be able to treat it without being too invasive if it is not too ingrown.

I think, if you can, you should buff the gel off just incase this is making it worse.
Oh thankyou!!!The chiropodist and dr sound painful but i guess i will just have to bite the bullet!:cry:(ps i can handle big pain really well-i.e labour,broken pelvis etc etc-just not small pain)Thankyou for your help!Think i will buff the gel off and trim and see if that helps coz thinkin about it usually when i clip my toenails there is a sliver that always grows down the side of the nail that i pull out-but i spose where u can only file with gel not clip-i didn't get to remove it early enough!!!
Pray for me!Lol:hug:
I agree with Chris, I know its not nice but the chiropodist is probably your best port of call. Hope it gets better soon!

Teri x:hug:
For some reason pain that is not significant like a paper cut, knocking a toe, banging your elbow, the curing heat on gel nails (the list goes on) can really be uncomfortable! I think it is just more anoying then painful! Never mind. I hope you sleep better tonight anyway.

Oh, soaking your foot in salt water is very good and soothing too. I found that helped quite a lot!!!
ooh thankyou s-j's i will give that a go!!!:hug::green:
The discomfort you might feel when the chiropodist treats it, will be nothing like the pain you are currently experiencing.
thankyou-i am a big scaredy cat!!!!!:hug:
Caren stop being a whooss and get to see a specialist :lol: . The longer you leave it the worse it will get, if you leave it much longer then they'll have to amputate!!!!!!!!!! (just kidding!) :lol:

If this was a client I'm sure the advice you would give is go to the podiatrist, and you'd get very cross if they didn't listen to you now wouldn't you ! (I'm thinking of a certain MIL here lol!) :lol:

:hug: mate and GET IT SEEN TO!
Lol thanks babe!!!:hug: I need ppl to tell it how it is every once in a while when i'm bein a big squinny!!!
Its gone a bit red and puffy so i'm off to the drs tomorrow-they might b able to recommend someone to go to to sort me out!xxxxx
I used to have ingrown toe nails....on both my big toes... on both sides!!:eek: :cry: I used to soak my feet in water with salt (cleans the infection) and i just let my toe nails grow....i mean reeeeeeeally grow! until the pointy part came out...!!! and this is how i avoided the doc :)

be brave hun!i knowis painful...

x x x
I used to have ingrown toe nails....on both my big toes... on both sides!!:eek: :cry: I used to soak my feet in water with salt (cleans the infection) and i just let my toe nails grow....i mean reeeeeeeally grow! until the pointy part came out...!!! and this is how i avoided the doc :)

be brave hun!i knowis painful...

x x x
I used to have to do this a kids i sufferd really bad with ingrowing toe nails....i had to wear round ended shoes aswell!
And i had to visit the chiropadist every 2 weeks aswell.....

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