Is 8% worth getting


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Jun 6, 2012
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I'm about to order some suntana solution I'm using sunless solutions at the minute but want to try something different as Im not really getting on with the solution, so when ordering I've looked and it's 3 for 69.99 and I'm not sure whether it's worth getting an 8% or to just get the 14% as I know most people like the darker tan has anyone got any pictures of each of the suntana percentages after wash off? And if anyone has any tips they would be handy please??
First pic is Suntana 8%
Second pic is Suntana 10%

I would 100% recommend them, also I have a litre of 8,10 and 12, and a small bottle of 14

You can always mix if you need more colour!
I'm about to order some suntana solution I'm using sunless solutions at the minute but want to try something different as Im not really getting on with the solution, so when ordering I've looked and it's 3 for 69.99 and I'm not sure whether it's worth getting an 8% or to just get the 14% as I know most people like the darker tan has anyone got any pictures of each of the suntana percentages after wash off? And if anyone has any tips they would be handy please??

Hi, I have a couple of clients who go tango with anything higher than the 8% including me!
But, I don't keep a large amount in because I just wouldn't use it up before it goes off.
However, with regard to suntana, I tried it out a few years ago and didn't get any more because, the guide colour is quiet a lot darker than the finished tan and it doesn't seem to matter how many times I tell clients that the guide colour is for my benefit, so that I can see that I haven't missed anywhere I still got the complaints the following day, they would ring me saying, I had a shower and it all washed of, I'd answer with, have you got a tan line from your knickers? They'd say yes, I'd point out that it hadn't all washed of then had it, but they weren't happy because they wanted a tan that was as dark as the guide colour, can't blame them really. So I tried Nouvatan and Couture. Couture comes in 2 shades, the light is an 8% and it's lovely, the dark is only a little darker and although the tans themselves wear well they just don't go dark enough for most clients. Nouvatan is the only one I stock now and I mostly use the 10 and 12%. It smells lush, wears well and my clients love it. Add in the good price break and the fantastic customer service and for me it's a no brainer.
hth x
First pic is Suntana 8%
Second pic is Suntana 10%

I would 100% recommend them, also I have a litre of 8,10 and 12, and a small bottle of 14

You can always mix if you need more colour!



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The Keratin in a fair skinned client with red hair, blue eyes and who would burn easily in the sun is not capable of reacting with a large quantity of DHA. It is a fact that if you overload the available Keratin with DHA your client will go orange, end of story.

8% is essential for many peoples skin types, indeed 8% would be to high for the client type I describe above.
I'd not bother with Suntana 8% I found it TOO light.
I'm in exactly the same position, just changing solutions and thinking of getting suntana but unsure of the quantity of % to get!
Also heard lots of good with nouvatan but haven't had time to use the samples and I'm about run out so need to buy ASAP!
So in a quandary of what to do!!
I mainly use suntana 8% very rare to use higher !
Thanks guys :) I think I'm going to go with suntana 8,10,12 to start off with and see how they go with my clients :) x
I mainly use 8% and 14%. I'd say yes get the 8% as a lot of clients will not be after the really dark look and if you plan on spraying brides then this will probably be the colour they are after. Xx
You may like to look at 'Winter Glow' very popular with brides and specifically designed for fair skinned clients.
Oh forgot to say before, if you buy 8%, 10% and 14% then you can mix equal quantities of the 10% and 14% and get a 12%. That's what I do. Saves buying the 12% and I think it smells better than the chocolate one x
Hardly ever used 8% I use brown bitz and use citrus sherbet which says dark tan but I think it's about 12% use it on fair clients and it has never got an orange tinge.

I find that an 8% has never given much colour lowest I ever use is 10%
Hardly ever used 8% I use brown bitz and use citrus sherbet which says dark tan but I think it's about 12% use it on fair clients and it has never got an orange tinge.

I find that an 8% has never given much colour lowest I ever use is 10%

Missymish do you use the brown bitz coconut much? X
I think a small bottle of all %'s is wise. You never know when you might need it. Personally if I use anything higher than 8% I look like an ommpah loompah lol
I have 8% La Tan. Not used it yet though. Some people might not want to be dark and want a glow instead. If you plan on doing Brides I guess it will come in handy :)

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