Is this wrong? Impetigo


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I'm surprised any of her clients want to run the risk of catching it from her!!
Is she at least wearing gloves?! Stupid selfish woman!
My son has just been diagnosed with impetigo. I only have 3 clients booked over next 2 days and was considering rescheduling as a precaution but grateful for any advice x

You need to find out if he's contagious and you should really warn your clients of the situation if you do go ahead and work. Some people have underlying health problems and could inadvertently end up very poorly. Hope your lil man feels better very soon xx
Hello, I am sorry to hear that your son has it, I hope it passes soon & he is over it.
Until then, I would strongly advise postponing any visits from anyone including clients at this point. I know you may not want to risk loosing your few clients but is the alternative better? Risk exposure if in fact he is contagious?
Personally, I wouldnt risk it! I know it sounds cruel of me to say at this point but isnt it better to be safe then sorry? :rolleyes:

I do hope you understand I am just trying to help not hurt you in the long run.

Good luck.
No ifs or buts she is highly contagious. I took my daughter to school with it & was instantly sent home... (I took her not realising how contagious it was)... She needs sending home. Clients will definately know its contagious if she dont & they wont be impressed with being put at risk like that are... More likely to lose customers in the long run...
Some people cant see past the pounds signs.

If the client catches it and realises shes got it from the salon, I cant imagine she'd return and you know word soon gets round.
Right geeks.
Theres a girl in our salon who has impetigo, she has come in today as the clients she has booked in leave big tips so she doesn't want to risk loosing them! It is all over her face and tbh looks terrible. I had really sensitive skin and I'm not really happy about the fact she's come in.

Should she be at home? Se could infect clients aswell surly?

X x
YES! Impetigo is a major no no. It is bacterial, is spread by touch and should not be in the salon at all let alone touching clients! I am sure it breaks HABIA guidelines.
OMG, I just had to respond to this as i had this a few years ago and I was treated like a leper due to how contagious and virile this infection is!

I got it when I was living in Australia, it was horrible! It spread all over my neck and face and to everyone I had been in touch with, eek! I was firstly told by a pharmacist that it was coldsores..... but as it just kept getting worst, I ended up at a hospital clinic where they finally managed to diagnose it as impetigo. The doc, looked at me, held my face and then went oh dear, and stepped back apologising for being rude but that it was so contagious that he wouldn't be touching me again and promptly changed his gloves! He signed me off work (office job) for 10 days and told me limit my contact with my friends and family and try to stay home.

Cannot believe she has come to work - ignorant or selfish?!
Leprosy is one of the least infectious skin conditions in the world - most people are immune (just thought I would add that as in my day job I work for an organisation that works in leprosy control!)
Hi, to the OP just wondering what happened as you posted a few months ago. Did the girl carry on working and did any clients stop coming (did anybody catch anything)?
OMG! I can't believe that someone can be so selfish when working with the public!!!

We all know word of mouth advertising is one of the best forms, so if this lady passes this onto any clients and they know it came from her, then this puts the entire salons reputation at risk and all the staff in it.

The boss should be sending her home and insisting she does not return until she has a clearance letter from the doctor to bring with her on her return.

This kind of thing makes me so mad, that others can be so selfish and inconsiderate of others.

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