I've made a huge mistake ..HELP!!..:-(


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Feb 10, 2011
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Hi everyone..i hope you can offer me some advice ..I am a hairdresser myself and my base is a 6 i had a t section of bleached highlighs , have had the same thing for years and felt i looksed a bit washed out ...so thought i would try a darker warm shade....hopeing to put a bit of colour back in my face ...anyway , i went to my friends salon I asked for a warm shade of dark brown and she put a 4.79 on and I am now red !...it looks just awful on me ..i have to get back to my blonde quickly ...now i have only done my level two and not my level 3 which had a module on colour correction, so im not really sure what i should do .....help...i messaged my friend last night and she said good luck with that !.. I am wondering if i will be able to bleach wash the red out n go all over dark blonde and have some blonde or highlights or bleach highlights ...will this work ??..and if so how long should i wait ?..i was litterally crying blowdrying my hair this morning .....i have been a right fool ...i just wana be a blonde again ...:-(....any advice welcome ..xx
I'm not a hair expert I'm afraid but I was told by someone that if you didn't like your colour to wash your hair with vosene or head and shoulders and that helps to strip the colour out. HTH xx
Hi..yeah that helps if u put a colou on and it goes a little darker than u would like ya see, but i just wana go blonde again...thanks for your reply though ..:)..x
oh dear soinds like she really listened to you wanting warm lol....if it was me i would bo a quick bleach bath and then re apply the bleach goodluck :)
wash it with something like vosene or fairy liquid for a week - i bet you notice a huge difference.

then a light bleach bath (6%)

good luck! shame shes not offering to help you though....x
what's vosene?
Ok...this is what i would do:
*Bleach bath your hair or use Lloreal effasol (Pink sachet from sallys ect expensive but really good as its not bleach based, no instructions on the pack though so add 30ml of hot water per sachet id reccomend buying two sachets just incase) be warned is really messy!!!! PLEASE ONLY DO THE HAIR THATS COLOURED AS IF YOU STRIP VIRGIN HAIR IT WILL GO REALLY LIGHT!
*This should strip your hair to a base 6/7 with warm tones
*Have a t-section of bleach highlights with low volume peroxide ie 3% through your hair (be quick though)
* Then put a dark blonde/desired colour on top..... now i would use an ash/cool based colour ie 7.0 that way the warmth with come through but not go orange/red
*If the highlights go too blonde or washed out just massage the dark blonde colour through quickly 30seconds or so when rinsing

Good luck xxx
Sorry when i said put a dark blonde on top i meant on the rest of the hair while the foils are taking... again with 3% x
like t-gel?

Similar but not as strong as Tgel. The stores sell it as a normal shampoo but I find it's very similar to head and shoulders as I think there both fab for stripping hair.....and paint lol
Similar but not as strong as Tgel. The stores sell it as a normal shampoo but I find it's very similar to head and shoulders as I think there both fab for stripping hair.....and paint lol

sounds dangerous lol
Hi all, thank u for ur replies ..:lol:...

Well i am some what back to normal, or as close as i can be ....Pr1cess I went into my local collage salon that night and had a colour repaire,.I just could not wait another day ....they did pretty much what u advised ....a bleach wdsh strippen my colour then hightlights and a 7.2 through the rest ...its still a little warmer than i would like , but soooooo much better ....i think i will need a few more goes but am having conditoning treatments in between..its far ti much stress on the hair within just 48 hrs ..thank god my hair was in good condition before all this mess or it would have fallen out !...very valuble lesson learn there...lol..thanks guys ..xx
I'm amazed that when you told her you weren't happy with it that all she said was good luck with that! She should have at least offered to have you back in the salon to have a look at it and do the correction in the salon!
Me too, i did just phone her n told her i had it fixed ,..i think i may have upset her a little by not going back to her to get it fixed , but to be honest my confidence was a little knocked to say the least ....ah well u live and learn eh ..lol...x

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