Keep getting calls!


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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
South Yorkshire
Getting annoyed at calls from companies I've never even heard of asking if I want advertising for only £100 or they can make me a website or the worst ones are the "local charity" ones they claim to be associated with helping police or nhs etc that want one beauty business advertised in their magazine for a year at £130 or something... The most recent was claiming to be a anti-bullying campaign. I don't believe a word any of them say!
Anyone else get p*ssed off when you get these calls? If I want advertising online/ads in magazines/a website designing then I will seek it out myself!
(Think I'm getting more annoyed now because I don't like talking over the phone anyway and I don't like pushy sales tactics. Put them together and I'm definitely going to be uncomfortable speaking to you!) x
Yes I get them too. I usually just hang up before they've finished their first sentence. Depends on what mood I'm in. Sometimes when I'm feeling a bit naughty I like to string them along. This morning I got an advertising call and I told her that I'm constantly fully booked a month in advance, I'm turning people away and the last thing I want to do is advertise! (I wish!) That shut her up.
From a previous thread I know this subject is something that really gets us all riled up. I used to have it more than I do now, but still do. Call blockers are good for mobile cold calls. I used to answer and play along then hang up but they used to phone back and say "oh you must have been cut off" haha. I found signing up to the TPS helps abit but not much with the dodgy ones.
Some can be so forceful and actually quite scary. I had one that said would I like to pay my invoice in full now, for a advert I never had. They told me they recorded my call asking for the advert and that's a legal contract, and they'd call the bailiffs in and start court proceedings. I was actually in Disney Paris without my phone when I supposedly did that order on the phone haha! Nasty scammers out there.
I would ask them, politely but firmly, to be taken off their calling list.

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