Lifting and frosting acrylics


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Oct 18, 2013
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Hi to everyone I'm a salon geek virgin this site is new to me so bare with my rambling questions ;)
I have recently started doing acrylics and I'm having a right nightmare there lifting in a day or so :/ and sometimes when I apply a set they often seem frosty looking :/ there so many different products and teqniques that I'm so frustrated with them all I think I'm you tubed out with tutorials if anyone got any tips I would be very grateful
When I first started I struggled with lifting ,was mainly because I was not doing my prep correctly go back over your cuticle work is all done and that the nail is free of any dust ect xxxx
Hi to everyone I'm a salon geek virgin this site is new to me so bare with my rambling questions ;)
I have recently started doing acrylics and I'm having a right nightmare there lifting in a day or so :/ and sometimes when I apply a set they often seem frosty looking :/ there so many different products and teqniques that I'm so frustrated with them all I think I'm you tubed out with tutorials if anyone got any tips I would be very grateful

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