Lifting on some clients


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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2008
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hi girls im getting lifting with some client in the salon, i have just qualified in L&p

Some clients come back with no lifting at all after 3-4 weeks whilst others lift after 2.5 weeks is it something im doing ???
hi girls im getting lifting with some client in the salon, i have just qualified in L&p

Some clients come back with no lifting at all after 3-4 weeks whilst others lift after 2.5 weeks is it something im doing ???

How many clients do you have and how big a problem is it?

We all have the odd clients who trash the nails and get lifting or go too long between maintenance appointments etc. no matter how long we have been dong nails. 1 or 2 clients out of a hundred is not a problem ... 1 or 2 clients out of 10 could be ... so the numbers are important.
3 client so far i work 3.5 days a week so do about 12-15 sets a week inc infills one lady is heavly medicated , another has very odd shaped nails the othe i know about didn't come back to me so i couldn't judge it !!! i havn't seen the senior tech to ask her yet !!!

Im classed as a junior at the moment but it is disheartning :(
3 client so far i work 3.5 days a week so do about 12-15 sets a week inc infills one lady is heavly medicated , another has very odd shaped nails the othe i know about didn't come back to me so i couldn't judge it !!! i havn't seen the senior tech to ask her yet !!!

Im classed as a junior at the moment but it is disheartning :(

The reality is this ... You'd best toughen up and not get disheartened at every problem or you will be disheartened allot of the time.

You are dealing with the public ... there are always problems to deal with. A couple of clients who have nails that lift is just one of them.

Try to solve the problems if you can by being extra vigilant with those that have lifting issues. If most of your clients do not have lifting issues then you know it isn't you causing them. Therefore the client and you have to work together to solve the problem (no freebies). Clients must take responsibility and you need to tell them so.

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