Vanilla Pod
Well-Known Member
How many geeks suffered from lots of lifting in the first few months after quailification, and also did you believe all clients if they said lifting occured in the first few days x
what used to baffle me is how on some clients you get some lifting and on others you get none and your prep and application are the same !!...i don't do a pants prep on some and a good one on others....:lol:...which can make you wonder if the clients are doing something.
My lifting days are now a thing of the past and I believe that most of the time lifting is down to prep...and application...but....what used to baffle me is how on some clients you get some lifting and on others you get none and your prep and application are the same !!...i don't do a pants prep on some and a good one on others....:lol:...which can make you wonder if the clients are doing something.