Living with partner for first time!


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Me and my man moved in together after 2 weeks! God knows what we were thinking!!!! But.....we are now happily married with a mortgage, an 8 year old daughter and our second baby on the way. You could be together 20 years and then split up - who knows what the future holds. If you are happy and it feels right then go for it and good luck xx
Its freaking me out now!
What about when I'm on my period?
Or (like today) I've got a awful hangover and look like a swamp monster??

I want him to see me looking nice not get 'comfortable' and stop making a effort!
Its freaking me out now!
What about when I'm on my period?
Or (like today) I've got a awful hangover and look like a swamp monster??

I want him to see me looking nice not get 'comfortable' and stop making a effort!

If he loves you, he'll love you when your hungover when it's time of the month.

If you have been together 4 months already has he not seen you with a hangover or when it's that time of the month?

Don't worry... If he wants to move in with you he will think your beautiful first thing in the morning even if you think your not. xx
Hey I moved in with my hubby 9 months after meeting him.

In the first 3 months we got to know so much about each other, we felt we'd known each other for years.
At 3 months he proposed to me, I agreed.

3 months later, I re-located, I was renting, after having sold my house & divorced so it was easier for me to move in with him. My kids are older than his, in college uni etc so moving was not a problem, and they live with their dad. His two are younger so it didn't make sense for him to move.

We got married last year August in the Caribbean, and been together over 2 years, and I more than happy.

It's good to live with someone because you know all the nitty gritty things, habits etc. we can honestly say nothing about each other irritated us.

He's in a much higher paid job than me, owns his own house & few properties. He pays for everything,
I do shopping, and any other bits like bday presents, petrol, I pay sometimes when we go out, pay my mobile & health insurance bills. I'm also funding my business through my job, he's never asked me to pay for anything.
I did say in the beginning lets work out who pays what, but he said he doesn't need help financially.

Living together really did help me, because had I not and we just got married and find out I don't like some
Something about him it's difficult to change it then!

Good luck!
I met my hubby at 18, brought a house together at 19 then got married last year, we've been together for 6 years :) xxxx
If he loves you, he'll love you when your hungover when it's time of the month.

If you have been together 4 months already has he not seen you with a hangover or when it's that time of the month?

Don't worry... If he wants to move in with you he will think your beautiful first thing in the morning even if you think your not. xx

Yes he has seen me hung over before and he didn't die of shock lol

This thread has been lovely! I LOVE hearing happy stories! :)
Me and my partner have been together 7 years and only move in together in November! But we're living with my parents at the moment. Long story - but basically he lived 300 miles away and it came out of the blue him moving down, so we're staying with the rents whilst we save for a mortgage! Having him here, day in day out it awesome. I love it. We get on so well and still feel like we're in the honeymoon stage 7 years later!!! :)

I think you know when it's right for you - like someone else said, you can break up at any stage in life, wo why not if you feel like the time is right!? If you don't know each other well enough know, then you most certainly will in a couple of months lol

And... If there's anything about him that annoys you when you move in together.... Chances are... It would have annoyed you in 5 years time when you were to move in together! Lol

So I say go for it hun! Just don't make any financial commitments just yet, I.e. actually buying a house!

Good luck chick ;) xxx
I moved in with my bf after 6months of dating, previously I had only lived away from home once (4 months) when working in london and the rest of the time was living with my parents and they did evening for me.

I was 27 and my bf was 50!

It was such a culture shock when i moved in as bf is very traditional and house work etc is woman's work which before I moved in with him I never did, however 6 years and many burnt dinners and phone calls to my mum on 'how do you get stains out of xx' we are still happy and living together.

My other half says he does not blame me for not being a domestic goddess, he blames my mother for not training me to be one lol
Its freaking me out now!
What about when I'm on my period?
Or (like today) I've got a awful hangover and look like a swamp monster??

I want him to see me looking nice not get 'comfortable' and stop making a effort!

Aw this made me giggle :)
I'm sure we all felt like this at the beginning but you soon stop worrying. Remember, guys often don't notice if we've got mascara on or painted our nails, he will probably think you look lovely all the time. And anyway, I'm sure he's not perfect - none of us are!! xx
My hubby and I were inseparable from about a week after we started dating. Basically he was at mine in town all week (I worked in town and didn't drive at the time) then we stayed at his on weekends. After 6-7months he decided to give notice in for his flat and move in 'officially' because it just didn't make sense to rent a place that was hardly used! We were both renters so I guess this made it easier than if we had our own houses.

We'd also been friends for a couple of year so knew each other pretty well already. It's funny now because he says he was totally convinced it would work out, after about 6months he had a little plan in his head, in 3years he'd propose, 3years later we'd get married then 3years to have kids. Didn't quite work out we've squeezed the last step into the year after marriage lol. When we started out I was just like 'we'll see where it goes' but I was still very young in my head, didn't really look to the future much.

Whatever you do, enjoy it :D It's a lovely time in a relationship, just make sure you keep talking to each other about the important stuff and don't sweat the little details! Used to really annoy me that OH leaves the toilet seat up but then I thought about it the other way round, that he has to put the seat up every time I leave it down! Totally changed my perspective lol xx
Just a lil update!!

We got a flat on friday and are moving in on the 28th! I am sooo excited!
Getting to do all the girly things n make it a proper home for us!
Just a lil update!!

We got a flat on friday and are moving in on the 28th! I am sooo excited!
Getting to do all the girly things n make it a proper home for us!

Best of luck honey Xx
Just a lil update!!

We got a flat on friday and are moving in on the 28th! I am sooo excited!
Getting to do all the girly things n make it a proper home for us!

How exciting :) good luck chick :) xxx

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