Make up and excessive sweating


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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2010
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can someone please help i have to a make up treatment on my cousin tomorrow for my college assessment, but she suffers from excessive facial sweating especially on the brow and upper lip. can any geeks give me some tips as i've looked on the net to no avail and i'm gettin worried now:Scared:

thank you
can someone please help i have to a make up treatment on my cousin tomorrow for my college assessment, but she suffers from excessive facial sweating especially on the brow and upper lip. can any geeks give me some tips as i've looked on the net to no avail and i'm gettin worried now:Scared:

thank you
hey I'm a make up artist. The best thing I have come across is n07 primer, cleanse tone, and lightly moisturise, then put a little of this on the skin before make up. The best powder I have found is m.a.c blot powder. For foundation, Don't make the mistake of using a powder base one like dream matte mousse, it might not suit the skin if she has dry skin. This worked well on a lady going through menopause. If you don't have those products try another primer, I'm sure someone will have one and also a quality powder, preferably transluscent, not coloured, it will end up streaky and cakey if you have to add more. x
thank you thats brilliant i'll have time to run out and buy that primer. what shall i do if she sweats whilst i am applying her make up cos i'm worried it might ruin it and make the overall effect look sloppy xxx
the primer should control it although you will get a bit of sweat through. Keep calm and blot it up with a cotton pad. Do this before you add foundation, but again if some comes through just blot it gently with the cotton and keep doing that, eventually it should stop, especially when the blot powder is on top, the blot powder can be used a few times without looking cakey, also you can pat a minute amount of primer on to problem areas, not too much though or the foundation will go patchy. If you can maybe get a seat near a window too. Tell your lecturer about the situation, but say it when your client or anyone else can't hear, as she may be embarrassed. Don't worry though, your not a magician babe!

good luck xxx
thank you sooooooo much your a life saver i'll mention it to my tutor before she arrives, i never even thought to do that i just had total mind block! i feel a lot more confident now. i really appreciate your help your a star!

that's no problem huni, I hope it all goes well! Is it make up artistry you are studying or beauty therapy? Please post back so I know how it went ! xxxx
its beauty therapy level 2 i'm finishin it late. i really wanted to do make up level 3 but i'm moved to plymouth and can't find a make up course there so gonna start level 3 beauty in jan. i dont suppose you know of any other courses i could look at i heard mac run a course but i can't find any info on there site i asked at mac in plymouth but they said they didn't do it cos their only a concession. i really enjoy the beauty side but i don't feel i've had enough experience in make up and its one of the main things that interests me. i just want as many strings to my bow as possible.

i'll definately let you know how tomorrow goes.

cool huni, M.a.c don't do courses and if they did thy'd cost a bomb lol! Best thing I can advise is to get your lecturers to get you a m.a.c student card, then you will get discount in certain stores, but you may have to phone to order. M.a.c do lots of seminars etc where you can watch make up being applied for a relatively small fee.

If you want to be taken seriously I'd go on a course in London if you can like the london school of media make up or college of fashion. There is a lot to learn as a make up artist such as theatrical makeup, airbrushing make up on,bodypainting,prosthetics, avant garde etc. TBH I am not asked much for theatrical etc but it certainly helps with fashion shoots to have the creativity you have learned while studying makeup alone instead of beauty therapy.

Alternatively try and find a trained mua to take you out and learn this stuff, it is achievable without college,

i hope this helps you babe xxx
Yeah Laura, you give really good advice! Thanks!
thank you so much :D!

any probs with anything just ask, I'm make up mad lolxx
MAC do a masterclass... but this is just current looks and you have to be a MAC Pro member x

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