Management stealing..What to do?


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Active Member
Apr 24, 2011
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I dont know what to do..., A few months ago i got laid off for three days with out pay because one of my ex clients rang my head office and said id burnt her hair, scalp the works. so my management asked the customer to come in so they could see the extent of "damage" that i had caused. Well the lady turned in and absolutly nothing wrong with the customers hair or scalp my poss actually said how nice her hair was. she just wanted her money something for nothing basically.
I nearly got the sack for nothing. To the point my assistant manager while my manageress is on holiday is doing colour corrections on customers say for £80 and only putting £70 in the till n her answer simply is "well there's my tip!" i dont know what to do i really dont she is ment to be my friend. She will not get caught out neither because im to scared to get involved and unless a customer catches her nothing will be said. please help x
You need to report this. This is theft, and could be blamed on you should it come to light. If you are scared, put it in a letter to your manager.
Can you not send the manageress a message, or a text, letting her know what's been happening?
Is any other stylist aware what is happening??:Scared:

Let the owner of the business know!

They'll soon realise when they see that the money doesn't match what the end of day papers say.
(We use a computer system, so it tells us exactly how much we take, and then we compare it to PDQ PrintOuts and cash we've taken. We can then see if we are up or down by any).

Make someone else aware of this, they can't get away with it??
you must tell your manager no matter what happens...Theft is Theft however anyone looks at it.I've seen it happen myself in the past.I am a very honest person and it played on my mind until i got the opputunity to tell the manager(same situation on holiday).Is there any other witnesses to this act?or is it just you and the assistant manager?
Good luck
Sazza x
She's only told me, but i confided in another member of staff and she saw the AM take 80 from the customer n only put so much in till so she knows im not lying. :Scared: im feeling guilty and i aint even done nothing. thanks for all your advice x
Can you not send the manageress a message, or a text, letting her know what's been happening?
Is any other stylist aware what is happening??:Scared:

Let the owner of the business know!

They'll soon realise when they see that the money doesn't match what the end of day papers say.
(We use a computer system, so it tells us exactly how much we take, and then we compare it to PDQ PrintOuts and cash we've taken. We can then see if we are up or down by any).

Make someone else aware of this, they can't get away with it??

I think the point is that the boss wont notice any difference as the girl is taking £80 from client and ringing in £70 so the books will balance but the customer is overpaying by £10 and the girl is pocketing that £10.

My advice is the same as above - you have to tell your boss asap and as someone else has seen her too you can relax a bit as it's not your word against hers.
I think the point is that the boss wont notice any difference as the girl is taking £80 from client and ringing in £70 so the books will balance but the customer is overpaying by £10 and the girl is pocketing that £10.

My advice is the same as above - you have to tell your boss asap and as someone else has seen her too you can relax a bit as it's not your word against hers.
This is what i thought about head office not noticing. But AM and manageress are very pally so i dont know who i can trust im just worried about if i tell someone that there is going to be a big argument in the middle of the shop i know i have no reason to be embarrased but its not nice. Thank you all for your advice area manager is in soon so will av to pluck up the courage to tell her :) thanks again xx
If it was my salon and someone was doing this I'd want to know ASAP! No matter if they were a 'friend' or not. No one needs friends that steal and she could get fired on the spot for it. Yes she'll know it's you that told on her but what does she expect? Hope all goes well x
What an awful sitation for you. You need to get the backup off the overpaying clients. Im sre they would not be pleased to find out they have been overcharged. Take care xxxxxx
Think you need to pluck up the courage and stand up in what you believe to be right or wrong, to be fair it's not like you would get the sack, but at least you know that deep down if this management ever frigs with ya, They know they can trust, and respect you to be honourable and of high morals. Some ppl do take the mick and abuse booking fees and even tips.

I would go about it by highlighting "this is what i saw, have the prices changed??!" then swing into conversation about "how this is what so and so does all the time, bit werid isnt it?!" (sorry for cheesy rhetorical lines, hopefully gives you the push to do it iygwim!) xoxo
Sometimes it seems really hard to do the right thing but what AM is doing is not just wrong its illegal. Consider these points...If you do nothing it will create a bad atmosphere cos you will start to resent AM and you will feel uncomfortable around your will be discovered sooner or later, it may come out that you knew, which makes you look dishonest...others will notice and if they do the right thing you will wish you had too... Imagine if you have your own salon in a few years time and it happens to you? Like I said sometimes it is hard to do the right thing but if you want to be respected at work and respect yourself you know what you should do...Good luck. x
This is what i thought about head office not noticing. But AM and manageress are very pally so i dont know who i can trust im just worried about if i tell someone that there is going to be a big argument in the middle of the shop i know i have no reason to be embarrased but its not nice. Thank you all for your advice area manager is in soon so will av to pluck up the courage to tell her :) thanks again xx

The fact they're pally is neither here nor there. I think she would appreciate knowing, she has put her trust in someone and I would expect more from someone in her position. You're not going to get into trouble and if you brought it to your boss' attention discreetly how is this girl to know who told on her? Go for it, you'd want to know if someone was stealing from you.
The fact they're pally is neither here nor there. I think she would appreciate knowing, she has put her trust in someone and I would expect more from someone in her position. You're not going to get into trouble and if you brought it to your boss' attention discreetly how is this girl to know who told on her? Go for it, you'd want to know if someone was stealing from you.


Craig Keane
Well, the wench has gone been sacked *sigh of relief* for othere reasons aswel as stealing took some time but got ther ein the end thanks for all the advice xx

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