Mixing eyelash extensions


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Active Member
Oct 2, 2013
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Downham market
I know you can mix different curls and lengths but is it okay to mix say j 0.25 with j 0.15? I've got a lady coming on Friday who wants them straight but noticeable but I was thinking I could put the 0.15 on some of the lighter lashes and the 0.25 at the outer corners. Would this work? Any suggestions would be appreciated thanks :)
I know you can mix different curls and lengths but is it okay to mix say j 0.25 with j 0.15? I've got a lady coming on Friday who wants them straight but noticeable but I was thinking I could put the 0.15 on some of the lighter lashes and the 0.25 at the outer corners. Would this work? Any suggestions would be appreciated thanks :)

I wouldn't recommend using different curls I would stick to the same curl and use different lengths and 0.15 and 0.25 has quite abit of difference you could use them together but to get the best effect you should use say c/b/j/d curl 0.15 9mm and 10mm and 11mm in the outer corner for example or 0.20 different lengths bt I wouldn't mix match curls and thickness but when using 0.25 they are a very thick lash and should only be used on clients with thicker lashes that have the strength to support them otherwise it will cause eyelash loss xx
I personally wouldn't go any higher than 0.20 as a general rule.
Have you ever tried stacking 0.07s & 0.1s to give more volume? Especially on the outer edge where the lashes can sometimes be thinner and more sparse. You don't want to weigh the outer lashes down with 0.25s...
Just my thoughts anyway. Someone may say differently. X
I only done my training last Sunday so haven't yet learnt how to stack. I'm doing a consultation and patch test with the lady tomorrow so will see how thick and strong her lashes are. I was thinking maybe using the 0.25s on the stronger looking lashes and 0.15s on the finer ones. Haven't got any 0.7s and 0.10s yet. She said last time she had her lashes done(not me), she didn't see a big difference and it looked how it would with mascara on so don't want to disappoint her. I was thinking of using 11s 13s 11s 9s 8s from outer to inner. This is going by a diagram from the lash bible. Thanks for commenting, really appreciate the help :)
I see. You'll probably get a much better idea of what to do during the patch test and consultation as you'll see what you're dealing with and get a better idea of what she's after. The more practice you get the easier it gets to judge these things too.
Don't get too caught up trying not to disappoint her that you overload her lashes.
Hope I've helped x
I know you can mix different curls and lengths but is it okay to mix say j 0.25 with j 0.15? I've got a lady coming on Friday who wants them straight but noticeable but I was thinking I could put the 0.15 on some of the lighter lashes and the 0.25 at the outer corners. Would this work? Any suggestions would be appreciated thanks :)

Ideally you can mix one curl up and one curl down, soooo j & b, b& c, c &d. As for mixing .15 and .25 that is quite a bit of difference between thicknesses so I wouldn't advise that. Personally .25 have been relegated to the back of the cupboard and finer lashes are the way to go. If she couldn't see a difference before, I would definitely use a B curl on her, she may be saying she wants straight but I bet you any money you like she would be happier with a slight curl, so B or C.

As for length, check out her natural lash length, don't forget no more than a half to a third longer than her natural lash length. Also, if I read right, you only qualified on Sunday? I hope your client understands that her set won't be full full, due to the fact you are new, that's no disrespect to yourself at all, I just don't want her knocking your confidence xx
I done my training with flirties on Sunday and won't be qualified until I've submitted my four case studies. I'm only charging her for the cost of the materials so she can't really complain too much. I've got some b 0.20 so could mix them with some j 0.15 that I've ordered. Do you use the curlier lash towards the outer corners? Thanks for all the help ladies, thank god for salon geek!
Never ever use 0.25 thickness!
My opinion.
create heavy look,
dont last very long
damage natural lashes,
drop after few days pulling natural lashes down,
client can feel them which is not right,
and believe it or not - it doesnt make full effect.
Fullness is not about thickness of extensions but number of lashes you put on. The more the better!
Using thin/fine extensions allows you to apply more and you dont need to miss any
No I don't think I will use the 0.25 on her, prob just use the j0.15 or b0.20. I might actually try the 0.25 on my brother as he's letting me practise on him hehe on the condition I take them straight off.
0.25 are good for practicing as they are a nice thickness so not too fiddly.
Once you become confident you can happily chuck these in a drawer never to be seen again but while you're training don't stress.

Yes the finer lashes are better and I don't use 0.25.
But don't worry about that for now.
Just perfect your technique and then when you feel more confident move on to 0.20 or 0.15.
You'll love them.

But back to the original question, I think its fine to mix thicknesses if its only one size...so 0.15 and 0.20 are ok together but that does depend on the clients lashes.
You will learn with experience what works best.

I would say try not to complicate things while you are learning.
Stick to the same size/curl for now and also as a newbie I don't think you should use more that 2 or 3 lengths to begin with as you may get muddled and them they'll be uneven.

9,11,13 are good sizes to practice with, although I find most ladies don't need more than 11mm believe it or not :)
Oh and forget stacking or using 0.07/0.10's for now, that is for confident and experienced lashers. Not for mavericks to slap on as a substitute for 0.25mm lashes! X

Sorry for the long message.

Good luck xx
0.25 are good for practicing as they are a nice thickness so not too fiddly.
Once you become confident you can happily chuck these in a drawer never to be seen again but while you're training don't stress.

Yes the finer lashes are better and I don't use 0.25.
But don't worry about that for now.
Just perfect your technique and then when you feel more confident move on to 0.20 or 0.15.
You'll love them.

But back to the original question, I think its fine to mix thicknesses if its only one size...so 0.15 and 0.20 are ok together but that does depend on the clients lashes.
You will learn with experience what works best.

I would say try not to complicate things while you are learning.
Stick to the same size/curl for now and also as a newbie I don't think you should use more that 2 or 3 lengths to begin with as you may get muddled and them they'll be uneven.

9,11,13 are good sizes to practice with, although I find most ladies don't need more than 11mm believe it or not :)

I never even thought of that! Silly me! It's as if we all forgot about first ever trying to pick lashes up lol
I bet you're brother would enjoy the 0.25s seeing as they're coming straight off anyhow ;) haha

Good luck with your future in lashes! X
Thanks for your help ladies! I think I'm probably getting ahead of myself so I'll just keep it simple for now. I'm going to buy the lash bible so will read that and take in as much info as I can :) x
Thanks for your help ladies! I think I'm probably getting ahead of myself so I'll just keep it simple for now. I'm going to buy the lash bible so will read that and take in as much info as I can :) x

What's the Lash Bible?? :suprised:
I think there's too much pressure on new lash techs to use as fine a lash as possible and to be using expert techniques like stacking too soon.

I think everyone needs to slow down and perfect what they do, then move on to the next step.

It's better to have lashes that properly isolated more than anything else.
The worst lashes are those that are clumpy and glued together!
It's easy to change the lashes we use once we are confident, but its the isolating and poor use of glue that isn't an easy fix xx

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