My First Flyer!


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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
Chesterfield, Derbyshire
Hello All

The first room of my new house is finally decorated and its my new salon! I am so excited about the launch of my first business and I have drafted up a flyer to post around the area, I would really appreciate your opinions on it, Im not sure if I am going in the right direction with it and could use your help!

Thanx in advance!


  • flyer1604new.doc
    91.5 KB · Views: 364
Very nice indeedy! Informative and good choice ov fonts.
Hi babe

Nice flyer says it all .....the only one point I would say needs changing is for the maintenance you have 2-4 weeks, clients will think they can wait for 4 weeks but they need to be in the door every two to keep there nails tip top.

Just a thought

Take care and good luck
Dawnie xxx
Looks good, maybe put your hours down or you may get clients phoning at all hours! A little about your products and a cancellation policy.
Yeah that leaflets good! You have got good information about your services and it makes you and your services sound very freindly
Good luck, but you might want to put abit of colour on it, and maybe a logo of your home buisness to help it stand out.
Thanks girls

I have taken on board your comments and updated the flyer, I personally think its looking a bit supa dupa now, so thank you so much for your help.
2 hours seems quite long
Ok, I am quite perfectionist about leaflets, so please do not think that i am being mean or anything - i'm just treating it as though it's my leaflet and i want to make it as good as possible. It's your leaflet o'course, so you can do what the heck ya want with it and ignore me!
1. Title: "Natural Nail Care" capital C as it is part of the name of the treatment and should be capitalised.
2. I don't know if this is obvious in your area, but you may want to put a town - you might get trade from further away.
3. "Let your confidence soar," comma
4. "please allow" instead of "allow" might sound nicer?
5. "Forever French" capitalise both F's as it is again part of the name
6. "...tip top?" It's a question, so it ought to finish with a question mark
7. Maintenence section - you've used the phrase "tip top" a second time here, so you may want to choose a different word or phrase
8. "...every 2 weeks." full stop, new sentence

Ok, did you want me to finish, or do you want to strangle me already?
sammylou said:
Hello All

The first room of my new house is finally decorated and its my new salon! I am so excited about the launch of my first business and I have drafted up a flyer to post around the area, I would really appreciate your opinions on it, Im not sure if I am going in the right direction with it and could use your help!

Thanx in advance![/QUOTE

I think your flyer is great. I assume that you will be using this as a three fold leaflet in your salon. For a flyer perhaps just a simple sheet with minimal info, cheaper to produce in bulk. Publisher is a great tool for designing and printing leaflets. I use it and usually print 20 at a time as things are ever changing. On the subject of time allowed, perhaps you could omit this in printed form and as propspective clients take a leaflet have a quick look at their nails and advise them verbally. Some ladies, as i'm sure you know, have pretty good natural nails and therefore can be serviced much quicker.
Good Luck
yogacat said:
Ok, I am quite perfectionist about leaflets, so please do not think that i am being mean or anything - i'm just treating it as though it's my leaflet and i want to make it as good as possible. It's your leaflet o'course, so you can do what the heck ya want with it and ignore me!
1. Title: "Natural Nail Care" capital C as it is part of the name of the treatment and should be capitalised.
2. I don't know if this is obvious in your area, but you may want to put a town - you might get trade from further away.
3. "Let your confidence soar," comma
4. "please allow" instead of "allow" might sound nicer?
5. "Forever French" capitalise both F's as it is again part of the name
6. "...tip top?" It's a question, so it ought to finish with a question mark
7. Maintenence section - you've used the phrase "tip top" a second time here, so you may want to choose a different word or phrase
8. "...every 2 weeks." full stop, new sentence

Ok, did you want me to finish, or do you want to strangle me already?
Thanks hon, I have made some of the changes to the flyer, alot of really obvious things but when its your own work you get blinded by it dont you?
gel face said:
2 hours seems quite long
Quite long for which treatment? I am a newbie so I am trying to allow myself time to get things right and also trying to prepare the client for the prospect of a numb bum!
Lynda said:
sammylou said:
Hello All

The first room of my new house is finally decorated and its my new salon! I am so excited about the launch of my first business and I have drafted up a flyer to post around the area, I would really appreciate your opinions on it, Im not sure if I am going in the right direction with it and could use your help!

Thanx in advance![/QUOTE

I think your flyer is great. I assume that you will be using this as a three fold leaflet in your salon. For a flyer perhaps just a simple sheet with minimal info, cheaper to produce in bulk. Publisher is a great tool for designing and printing leaflets. I use it and usually print 20 at a time as things are ever changing. On the subject of time allowed, perhaps you could omit this in printed form and as propspective clients take a leaflet have a quick look at their nails and advise them verbally. Some ladies, as i'm sure you know, have pretty good natural nails and therefore can be serviced much quicker.
Good Luck
Hi Lynda

Thanks for your comments, yep I'll be using this in the salon but am also gonna drop it into my local shops, hairdressing salons that dont do nail extensions and hand them out outside the school up the street to mummys and to be honest I was going to see about having it delivered with my local free newspaper, we get loads of takeaway menus and stuff usually so I was trying to make it a lttle like that, I'd love to have ladies in my salon that I can advise verbally but nobody know about me yet!

Tell you what, after my first client I will be swinging from the chandelier (sp?) and straight on here to holler about it!

Thanks again hon, much appreciated!
sammylou said:
Thanks hon, I have made some of the changes to the flyer, alot of really obvious things but when its your own work you get blinded by it dont you?

It's always good to put a second (or third or fourth...!) pair of eyes over these things, i think. Different people see different things...
Maybe i should show you my leaflet so you can have a look.... :eek:
I'll have another look and see if i have any more ideas..
gel face said:
2 hours seems quite long
2 hrs is salon average/standard, especially when doing forever french (which in my opinion looks much nicer). If I was having my nails done I would rather the Tech take their time than rush through it cutting corners or not doing a very good job!

Besides, that comment is not really relevant to the point of this thread - the design of the leaflet!
Hi Hun!

I just had a quick scan at your flyer as I am worn out but my eyes went straight to one area.

The £20 offer.

Ages ago on here Geeg gave some advice that pretty much said don't do discounts do gifts. (Obviously this isnt a direct quote! :lol: )

For example, how about offering them a free nail file or a free bottle of Solar Oil with that flyer instead. Just an idea as people love free gifts AND it will encourage them to take better care of their nails, because they have the tools to do this. Also, if you give away a pinkie size bottle of Solar Oil, then when it runs out they will want the bigger size! PERFECT!

Obviously hun, this is just a suggestion. But when I took her advice on board it worked a treat.

Otherwise, very nice and eyecatching! :cool:

Hope this helps, and if you need any more advice feel free to PM me, as I have recently opened my own Salon as well.

Victoria x
sammylou said:
Quite long for which treatment? I am a newbie so I am trying to allow myself time to get things right and also trying to prepare the client for the prospect of a numb bum!

I think this time is okay to put down. I take about 1 hr 45 mins. But I always say a maximum of 2 hours. Even if you are quicker, it gives you a 15 min break before your next customer. This way you can stretch your legs, walk around, get a drink and prepare for your next customer.

Sometimes your customer will knock their polish etc and you are always glad you quoted that time! :lol:

Even if it does take 2 hours, that is good going for a newbie. DON'T EVER FORGET TO TAKE A BREAK THOUGH. (I always forget, through the excitement of new customers! :rolleyes: )

Victoria x
Hi babe, nice flyer................
But I just had a thought and I could be wrong here but????
Is it a folded leaflet???
If it is try printing it and folding it..........
With this layout it will open to the right ..... instead of the usual left..........
So I would put colum 1 where colum 3 is and visa versa, leave colum 2 in the middle.....

Or is it the inside of the leaflet, then it brill as it is............
What have you got on the front?????

just a thought
But its fab xxx
Nailsinlondon1 said:
Hi babe, nice flyer................
But I just had a thought and I could be wrong here but????
Is it a folded leaflet???
If it is try printing it and folding it..........
With this layout it will open to the right ..... instead of the usual left..........
So I would put colum 1 where colum 3 is and visa versa, leave colum 2 in the middle.....

Or is it the inside of the leaflet, then it brill as it is............
What have you got on the front?????

just a thought
But its fab xxx


Here we all are looking into the flyer and none of us noticed this! :o

Well Done Ruth. I never even thought about that! :biggrin:
i cant see the leaflet!!??
Nailsinlondon1 said:
Hi babe, nice flyer................
But I just had a thought and I could be wrong here but????
Is it a folded leaflet???
If it is try printing it and folding it..........
With this layout it will open to the right ..... instead of the usual left..........
So I would put colum 1 where colum 3 is and visa versa, leave colum 2 in the middle.....

Or is it the inside of the leaflet, then it brill as it is............
What have you got on the front?????

just a thought
But its fab xxx
It folds like a consertina (sp?) have printed it off tho just to check!

Yup, looks good, thanx for noticing tho, could have saved me alot of trouble.
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