I've got an Imaginail Nail jet pro
Imaginail but it never really took off and it was hard to make a profit on it. Quality also left a lot to be desired. It prints well on the highest part of the nail, but distorts and looses focus where the nail curves away.
Clients were only willing to pay around £10 a set and even then they weren't always happy with the results.
There's a lot more to it than you might think. Firstly you need to file and tidy up then you need to apply a base coat, then a UV coat, then a canvas coat. All these need at least 10 min drying time.
Four fingers at a time and then thumbs are placed into the printer and if your lucky the image will be cantered and in focus, If not you have to start again:irked:. Finally you apply top coat.
Taking all this into account and the time needed for the client to chose a design and you've, probably, spent around an hour of your time!
If you are determined to buy one, I would advise you to see a demonstration first and find out the costs of all the consumables