Nails for Wedding Party


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Well-Known Member
May 18, 2010
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I have a few questions about some nails I will be doing for a wedding party.

I have had an enquiry for evening appointments for 3 manis, 3 pedis and a file & polish. All block colour except for one French which I assume is for the bride.


  • Can I use Dashing Diva for a French with good old polish? How?
  • How long would you expect to spend doing all of the above treatments? There will be only me there!
  • Do you think adding another 3 people (totalling 7!) in to the treatments is a bit of a push? Bride needs her beauty sleep and all that! :rolleyes:
Sorry for the random questions, but this is my first enquiry, my first wedding nails and my first party of people so I'm feeling the nerves right now!

Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks.
Not sure about all the above, but if it was me I would say work out how long it usually takes you for mani and pedi, and polish and maybe add a little extra time to be safe... if it was me in your position i would only do the 3 but then i am still new to this and take some time... lol. Could you not do the other 3 the day / night before? I guess it all depends on what time you're starting and plan to finish? x
Well I've only just passed too, so I'm not used to doing a group. I've only had one or two people a time at college.

I'm thinking I'll just stick with the original group booking for now. I want to do a good job and the extra three people is pushing it a bit, timing wise. :eek:

Thanks for your help Emma.
What time will you be starting and finishing? I have done a party of 2, and took me 5 hours :eek: i know i know lol.... that was after i did a girls wedding nails 2 days earlier and then her 2 family members saw hers and wanted them too :) I would do a max of 3 myself, go a bit googly eyed after that hehe. Like i say, dont lose out on business but offer to do them the day before the brides, but say that if any probs you could fix the day after (although i doubt you would have any probs in 24 hours but might give them peace of mind). :idea:
Just to say the party of 2 i did were both gel extensions...
It seems these women (bride, mum of bride, two bridesmaids) all want manis and pedis so it's going to take time anyway. At least they don't want the full on spa treatment - I'd be there all night!

I am going to ask when they would like me there, the earliest I can get there because they are wanting it done in a hotel.

Best get practising my french lines too, as DD is out of stock. :(
Okay on here a week or so ago there was a video on this... I use lechat products (gels). Not sure whether youll be using gels? But these tips might come in handy...
I bought a bevelled (slanted) brush for 99p from an art shop, and a i bought a gel brush (pointed) which i paid £7 (but when i got to art shop they had them for 99p too grr). When you get to the white tip part apply as normal but use the slanted brush using the longest point for each corner if that makes sense... and to clean the smile line i use the pointed brush dipped in gel cleanser and sweep it carefully and slowly along the smile line to make it crisp - I have only done 3 sets of french mani's in the last week and my lines are really good, and have had great comments on them... (see my picture album for example). I found these tips invaluable when i saw the wideo - i am going to try and find it now and have a look thru and if i find it will get the link :)
They look really good!

No not using gels, just normal polish. Would you apply pink before white or vice versa when just using lacquer. I assume this then becomes harder to tidy up?

I feel like a fool asking all these questions. I have suddenly lost all confidence in myself!

Thanks for all your help!
I haven't done a french mani with just polish yet like i say i am new to this... i have never been asked for one with polish before, just with gels which is why i started to offer them (they last for 2 wks at least with gel!) I have however bought a white tip pen for french manis just in case i ever do get asked, and used this on my mum and was great... it comes with bevelled sponge type tip and cost me under £5 from sallys... and i applied pink first. Then a top coat over. Hope that is helpful... have you looked in tutorials? Maybe something there?
I am almost positive that Fingertips(CND distibutor in Scotland) have DD in stock, you could give them a ring and ask them tomorrow, tel 0131 3333 180, if not pm me and I could help you out. Not sure when the wedding is though re. post etc.

I would, if I were you, ask if someone could help you out, I have done a lot of weddings and quite often you will get others jumping on the bandwagon when they see nails getting done, it has happened to me a lot!:lol:

Other than that, take your time, don't panic and smile, you will love it. It's always such a fabby atmosphere doing their nails. :hug:

Thanks for that, will the deliver all the way down in Cambridge?

The date is 9th September so got a little while to play and practice, but you know what it's like when you are nervous. You want to spend every minute doing it to get the best results.

Luckily this is the evening ebfore the wedding so hopefully shouldn't have too many people hanging around trying to get theirs done.

I'm pretty sure 7 people is going to be far too many for me... :(
I recently did a wedding group there were 5 manicures and a set of silks. I was there all afternoon and I really enjoyed doing it so don't worry you'll be fine

You are capable of doing this and you do good work. I know you're nervous because it's your first job but they're lucky to have you.

Thanks girls, you have helped me with my confidence a lot more than you'll know.

So quick questions, what are your favourite polish french recipes and do you paint the white before the pink? If after, how in the world do you correct any mistakes?

I need all the help and hints and tips you can offer me.
Hi there,
I regularly do large wedding beauty parties ( cos thats what I do!) I am finding that I do more and more DD with Shellac got it off to a fine art now!
The most I've done in one day is 19 manis with DD & Shellac and a couple of french toes started at 10.00am Finished at 01.30am with a couple of tippsy (not me!!)spray tans for good measure all done in a hotel

My advice would be if you want to stick with varnish is to get practicing on some tips your smiles do 30!! should have a bit of muscle memory by then and keep doing this right up to when you do this party.

Base coat, White smile,Pink layer then top coat, Keep your Manicure process simple and short, I might be speaking out of turn but what they usually want in this instance is to end up with a beautiful look, french or colour not sooo much the pampering. If it is pampering they really want then factor in that amount of time
Work out how long is going to take you add on an hour for what I call the chaos theory and tell then what time they will need to be ready for you that way you will be able to everybody that wants a treatment and you earn the spondoolies
Good Luck let us know how you get on!
Hi there,
I regularly do large wedding beauty parties ( cos thats what I do!) I am finding that I do more and more DD with Shellac got it off to a fine art now!
The most I've done in one day is 19 manis with DD & Shellac and a couple of french toes started at 10.00am Finished at 01.30am with a couple of tippsy (not me!!)spray tans for good measure all done in a hotel

My advice would be if you want to stick with varnish is to get practicing on some tips your smiles do 30!! should have a bit of muscle memory by then and keep doing this right up to when you do this party.

Base coat, White smile,Pink layer then top coat, Keep your Manicure process simple and short, I might be speaking out of turn but what they usually want in this instance is to end up with a beautiful look, french or colour not sooo much the pampering. If it is pampering they really want then factor in that amount of time
Work out how long is going to take you add on an hour for what I call the chaos theory and tell then what time they will need to be ready for you that way you will be able to everybody that wants a treatment and you earn the spondoolies
Good Luck let us know how you get on!

Thanks Frenchyfile, your tips have really helped me. I'm hoping to keep treatment time to a minimum and concentrate on turning out a realy good finish.

I'm still going to practice on my French just incase.

I was told today, it's not the bride having the French, she wants red! I'm now guessing the mother of the bride is the French type. ;)

I have managed to purchase some DD today, can these be used with polish or just the base and top seals that come with the kit?

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