New mobile waxing not taking off, at all!


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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2010
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Hi guys, well i got everything i needed to set up and since i got my certificate i have waxed everyone i know to within an inch of there life and they were all very impressed so i decided to make a start and pop a event on facebook for a one week only half price wax for anyone in my area to get me started and build a bit of a reputation but nothing.
I've had no reply's at all. I'm competeing with 3 other already established businesses in my area and i'm getting so disheartened that its all going to be for nothing.
Has anyone got any advice on what i can do to get myself off to a start.
Thank you
Waxing is my bread and butter, I totally believe you can be a waxing specialist alone and be a success! It will take some time Hun, but if you keep plugging away at gettin your name out there it will happen. Hand out price lists where ever you are, offer vouchers for Xmas fair raffles coming up.
But the main thing that totally changed my business was getting website so people can window shop first, they can get an idea of you, your treatments and prices before contacting you. Once you get one which is very simple with someone like vista print. £3.99 a month. So very cheap advertising. Google free advertising and get an ad with a link to your site on all the free ad sites. Ie., google maps. There are loads. Make sure you name on your website and adverbs where you are. So when people google mobile waxer Lincoln you will come up in that search.
Hand on heart this works. You will gradually start getting clients in. Also pop the odd offer as your status on face book. Just keep popping up every where people will start to ring.
Good luck Hun. You will be fine. Xx
Hi guys, well i got everything i needed to set up and since i got my certificate i have waxed everyone i know to within an inch of there life and they were all very impressed so i decided to make a start and pop a event on facebook for a one week only half price wax for anyone in my area to get me started and build a bit of a reputation but nothing.
I've had no reply's at all. I'm competeing with 3 other already established businesses in my area and i'm getting so disheartened that its all going to be for nothing.
Has anyone got any advice on what i can do to get myself off to a start.
Thank you
I totally agree with Faye.. it takes time to get yourself established, and get your internet presence, and it will pay off. I remember when i first started waiting for the calls and the clients to appear, but they will...
Keep your eagerness and get your website up and running and you will see a huge difference.
Good luck Jack
Like the others have said, it will take more presence to make it work. Unfortunately a single facebook event isnt going to attract many. You really have to go on the web and get cramp from listing your business and ads on all the free sites.

Making or getting some cheap flyers to put up places and pop through peoples doors can help.

Also get a website, even if its a free one from moonfruit or something and then pay the 4 quid or whatever for your domain name. This will give people a place to go when they see yor adverts and want to learn more. In this ever technical world a lot of people are too lazy or too person phobic to actually call you and ask all their questions (esp for waxing in case they sound silly) so a place online with all your info and FAQ's will really help. When I leaflet drop I dont get many calls from them but I see my website hits and mailing list rise as soon as I get home.
Do get a website so that people can find you - even if they don't know you exist! If you're brand new and you've only got a Facebook page then I'm assuming most of the people affiliated to your page are friends and family - many of whom you may have waxed recently. The number will grow of course, but I think you need to reach more widely.

Doing a "one week" offer at this stage when you're new and only promoting yourself through Facebook is unlikely to attract much attention because:

- You may not have a very big pool of people to go for it in the first place
- They've only got a week to find out about it
- They've only got a week to take you up on the offer: they might be busy or recently waxed.

Don't get me wrong - it's a good deal! I just think you need to make it more accessible. I would extend the offer for at least a month and try and promote it more widely. I have a similar problem with intimate waxing at the mo. Try free ads on Gumtree etc to promote your offer. To get new waxing clients you either need to convert non waxers to waxing, or to win clients who already get waxed somewhere else. Both take time and incentives! Good luck
Thanks everyone, well i've been round everywhere today putting flyers and business cards out and just about to have a look into a website. Thanks again

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