I agree with Anna
Timing - mine was 2.5hrs for my first full of nails - until you find the right product that suits your clients nail and technique - then it will get easier.
My timing is still around 1.5 - 2hrs - some members of family tease me about it but when you have a client who is chatting away and chilling it doenst matter too much - unless you have a client afterwards
pricing - i looked at professional salons, NSS and found out prices for back alley / in my back living room prices and came up with average and i put down qualifed professional on my advertising material - as you are and it should be known what people are paying for.
at times like now in "recession" you may need to drop your prices as some unqualified people are doing nails for £5 a set when i would normally charge £30 - i have had to cut down to £20 and at times do a promo for £10 a set
Not that I have a wealth of knowledge and experience to back this up but I personally believe that this is what you shouldnt do..even 'in times like these'...the clients that you really want are the ones that can afford it recession or no recession...that will keep coming back on a regular basis and are not necessarily dictated by finances...dropping your prices to 'cheap' prices will only attract the 'one off' clients...it will not likely attract the clients that will appreciate a proffessional service and keep coming back for more.
Recession or not...women will always spend money on themselves especially if it boosts their confidence and self-esteem and makes them feel better about themselves.
I think with regards to your price list..if you have made a decision and you believe it is right then you should stick to your guns and not buckle under the pressure when you see that someone else is much cheaper than you.