Please post your threads in the right forum and make a Mods life easier!


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Sassy Hassy

Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score
Okerly dokerly folks! I have noticed that since we changed to the salon geek that everyone seems confused which forum to post in. It seems to be that some people think that because they are a nail tech that ALL their threads should be started in the Nail Geek, or if it has the word NAIL in the thread that it should be in the Nail Geek forum. I have in the space of 5 minutes had to move 5 threads because people have not thought before they have posted so here are the main forums that are used and what should go in them .....

Site assistance - any queries people have about how the site works (do check it first before you ask as 99/100 your question has already been asked many many times)

The Nail geek - nail related threads that will benefit all the nail techs- so threads such as I've had the day from hell, I'm looking for a nail tech, I'm thinking of giving up and so on should actually be in chit chat as they are not relating to technique and are really only pertinent to the original poster

The Skin geek - beauty related threads working in the same way as the Nail geek, but about beauty instead of nails!

The Hair Geek - hair related threads working in the same way as the Nail geek, but about hair!

The Biz Geek - everything business related, if you're looking for website feedback or a business name please post in ChitChat.

Chit Chat - for most things that are not nails or beauty or site related. There are two sub forums as well in here ...
Hardee har har - for all the jokes and the like
Introductions - a place to make your first post if you just want to say hi ... do not post technical questions here as they may get lost and not answered

Link Directory where you can post a link to your favourite websites

Geekbay even though there is a sticky about it, ads are not permitted in the forums at all and should be placed in geekbay (under stuff). It's even worse when people start a thread saying they have an ad in geekbay - we have to delete it and then pm the person why it has been deleted.

Also a lot of questions can be answered if people did a little bit of work for themselves and tried the search option first. Also don't forget to check out all the great articles and tutorial sections.

So please take a little time to familiarise yourself with the site and have fun! If you reallya ren't sure then still post it and we will move it for you, but hopefully this should help sort out some of the confusion . Happy geeking!!:hug: :hug: :hug:

(BTW I know in theory this should be in site assistance but it needs to get max attention!!!!)
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Thankyou for that! Don't think I've mucked up yet but i will be more aware now!

Teri x:hug:
I was hoping someone would post about this! I just been into nail geek board and there are lots of blue ones where they have all been moved! Kind of bugs me!

Thanks for the reminder x
OOh I forgot to say that if you want to post every day stuff then why not join us in the journals gang (under stuff). We're a friendly lot and give each other so much support, you don't always get replies but they do get read and when you've had a really crap day we all rally round with tea and sympathy (or the odd voddy if Ruth or Amber are around!!!!!!!!!!)
oops thanks Sassy, I could be one of them, I was looking for main forum, but it wasnt there, so I put it under chit chat!! Sorry:hug: xx
oops thanks Sassy, I could be one of them, I was looking for main forum, but it wasnt there, so I put it under chit chat!! Sorry:hug: xx

It's not meant to point the blame at anyone ... trust me I think we have all done it at some time, I know I have. Just wanted to clarify as it can get very confusing, especially if you are new.
You do a great job, I get confused at the best of times, especially on a Saturday, I think its time for a glass of wine, just might make my head clearer..:hug:
Rather than start a new thread I thought I'd give this one a mahoooosive

It's just a reminder for everyone to please try and post your threads in the right forum.
I've sat here moving threads for the last 10 minutes, yes I can hear some of you saying that it's our jobs as moderators, but it's time consuming and it is Friday afterall :wink2:

If you do a thread about flyers, leaflet drops, business cards etc then please post in the ChitChat forum.

Thanks guys
Happy Geeking and have a fab weekend :D
Rather than start a new thread I thought I'd give this one a mahoooosive


It's just a reminder for everyone to please try and post your threads in the right forum.
I've sat here moving threads for the last 10 minutes, yes I can hear some of you saying that it's our jobs as moderators, but it's time consuming and it is Friday afterall :wink2:

If you do a thread about flyers, leaflet drops, business cards etc then please post in the ChitChat forum.

Thanks guys
Happy Geeking and have a fab weekend :D

You make it sound like you have something better to do :wink2:
Sorry I'm guilty of two of those! Will be much more careful. So excited at having found the site I've just been getting carried away-ay-ay!
OK Sass and Sandi!

Will try - promise! :lol:
Hey geeks... you know what I'm going to say don't you?...

Just an 'ickle reminder...
Please can you make an effort to post your threads in the correct forum, thanks :hug:
Oops that was me, sorry, got carried away! Will try harder :lick:
Perhaps this could be a sticky thread?
Oops that was me, sorry, got carried away! Will try harder :lick:
We never aim posts/threads like this at one person, if that were the case then we'd send a pm :wink2:

It's just a general reminder to everyone, we're none of us perfect.
OOh I forgot to say that if you want to post every day stuff then why not join us in the journals gang (under stuff). We're a friendly lot and give each other so much support, you don't always get replies but they do get read and when you've had a really crap day we all rally round with tea and sympathy (or the odd voddy if Ruth or Amber are around!!!!!!!!!!)

This very true Sassy, theres lots of support and advice when you start a journal. I think its invaluable for everyone, whether you are qualified or thinking about it, ballsed off with whatever its fab having a journal & would probably save the mods work sometimes:hug:
bump time guys .. many thanks x
that's me so sorry will do better !
Sorry geeks i just put a thread in the wronge place also and it was moved .Sorry about that.:rolleyes:

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