Pointing domain


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Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2012
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Hi Geeks

really hope someone can help me with a ''dummies guide'' to pointing my 123.reg domain to my weebly website

this sort of thing is totally alien to me and all the technical terms are just another language so even when reading the 'how to' instructions I am still baffled

thanks x
Hi I really struggle with this sort of thing too, not sure ill ever understand it either.
You have to contact yr new host, weebly, in your case they give you numbers to put into your existing hosts "things". It's an individual number something like 142.456.789

They tell you to put in in as an A record, and in a few different bits of the old hosts details.

You login to your old hosting panel go into the DNS section to put all the numbers in then save.

I think this saves you from transferring domains and keeps yr original website address.
If someone computer techy can explain in plain English please do! :)
thanks geeks

I just called 123.reg and they have done it for me in less than a minute :lol:
Does that mean you use your domain name without having to upgrade to paying a monthly fee with weebly?
Does that mean you use your domain name without having to upgrade to paying a monthly fee with weebly?

Yes, I was so relieved :)
That's fantastic customer service from them :)
I know :) I was expecting to b on hold forever but only 2 mins
sorry geeks, ran before I could walk a bit when posting my answer , I tried to publish my site this morning (after pointing the domain yesterday)and it seems I do still have to pay the monthly fee :irked:
Oh that's a shame I thought it was great there was a way to avoid the monthly fee!
sorry geeks, ran before I could walk a bit when posting my answer , I tried to publish my site this morning (after pointing the domain yesterday)and it seems I do still have to pay the monthly fee :irked:

I found this too, I think it's only free if you use a "weebly" domain. I read your post yesterday and thought I had been conned out of a monthly fee, glad to see I wasn't!! Great service from 123 though, I did the same as you a couple of weeks ago and they sorted it while I was on the phone! I think the fee is worth it though, for having a good website and your own domain. :)
I do not pay a monthly fee and mine points to my own domain name with Weebly sometimes takes up to 24 hours to change over though when you change it.

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did you do yours recently? when going to 'publish' there just isn't a away of it publishing without going past the payment screen, the cost isn't too bad though, just hope it gets me some business

another thing , how long did it take to see your site on a google search?
Why not try Wix.com, sites are easy to create, especially if you dont understand programmin language, reliable and competitive on price and its easier to point your domain so you use your domain address. What more can you ask for! Weebly and Wix very similar!


I've always found that their customer service to be pretty handy, just a long wait on the phone..
I did mine about 18 months ago I vaguely remember thinking I had to pay but there was a way round it that was not obvious but not hidden. It started showing up after about 4 days but I submitted the url to ssearch engines as well as filling in all keyword and meta tag boxes

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Hi! I would be really interested to know how to do this on weebly without paying too! I spent all afternoon making my website thinking it would be free then has the same issues when I went to go further with it! I built my current website with vistaprint in the end because it was free for the month but I think my weebly one would be more professional!

Thanks in advance x
I had to pay weebly to use my own domain from 123reg.
I had to pay weebly to use my own domain from 123reg.

How long did it take for 123 to change it for you?

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