Polishing technique


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Jul 18, 2010
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Im practising my polish technique on natural nails daily and improving but I sometimes have a problem getting polish to adhere to the corners at the free edge.Its almost like there is grease there ! which there cant be cos I have prepped and scrub freshed etc.I then have to press harder with the brush and thats when I blob
help !
Not sure why it is not adhering - if you have prepped correctly, perhaps giving a swipe of scrubfresh underneath the free edge and then back on the nail may help as you never know their hands may be sligtly wet/greasy under there.

Is the nail varnish mixed correctly?

Is the varnish being applied nice and thinly from the cuticle area but thickening up towards the free edges?

Are you holding the nail walls back nice and tightly - as that may allow grease or contact on the nail leading to the polish not adhering so well.
Maybe as a last resort as it is something that is generally not done but perhaps removing a bit of shine in that area may help.

Somebody else may have some better ideas, but for the time being hopes this helps a bit - good luck xxx
Im practising my polish technique on natural nails daily and improving but I sometimes have a problem getting polish to adhere to the corners at the free edge.Its almost like there is grease there ! which there cant be cos I have prepped and scrub freshed etc.I then have to press harder with the brush and thats when I blob
help !

It is not that the polish is not adhering to the corners it's more that you are not putting polish in the corners because your brush technique is incorrect when polishing. :hug:

Nails CURVE .. therfore when coming down the side of the nail with your polish, you need to twist your brush (to the left if polishing down the left hand side and to the right if polishing down the right hand side) as you reach the corners, so that the edge of the brush connects with the side of the nail where it dips. Simple really when you think about it.

Your brush is a TOOL that does different things when used in different ways. It is not a matter of simply dragging the brush down the nail and hoping for the best :green: You need to apply different pressures on your brush to control the product and to achieve different affects on the product (and this goes particularly for L&P and gel applications).

Using a brush is not normal for most technicians .. it is a tool that is new to them when they start out .. and no one I know (apart form myself) ever teaches students actually how to use it or how different pressures impact on the product. Stupid isn't it? The most important tool of your trade and teachers don't teach you how to really use it?? :eek:
Thanks GIGI and Snugglepuss for your advice - Im sure it is my brush skill like you say- now I know how to correct it so I will practise more .I have found that I dont get the problem on the index finger nails and Ive noticed that on most of my practise runs they have a more uniform curve than some of the other nails and the brush glides more easily .

I am now having dreams about polishing nails - yes I am becoming a geek !
hi Geeg
yes have tried what you suggested and it worked great after a few goes - it does seem obvious now - ! - I now also kind of flick the brush as I twist it so it goes a little quicker and presses down a bit more on the corner hope that is right - it looks ok.Im also getting the thin space down the side now.have been practising :)with Anchor Blue so it shows every flaw!
hi Geeg
yes have tried what you suggested and it worked great after a few goes - it does seem obvious now - ! - I now also kind of flick the brush as I twist it so it goes a little quicker and presses down a bit more on the corner hope that is right - it looks ok.Im also getting the thin space down the side now.have been practising :)with Anchor Blue so it shows every flaw!

There you go, Debbie!! Nails come in all shapes and sizes .. we have to learn to accommodate that using good brush techniques ... how you have described sounds just great and if it is working for you then it is right. :hug: Most things seem obvious once they are pointed out ... many need to take time to really think about and analyze what they are doing and then I'm sure you could all figure out how to correct it. x
cheers guys - thanx 4 all ur help
Having seen that video, it looks like I best get practising my polishing. She has such a steady hand. Definitely worth the watch. :)
I love that video...I could watch her polish all day! :)
Is it my imagination or has she painted the end of the free edge before covering the rest if the nail in that polish video. That's such a neat job I think I'll need to lay off the wine to get my hand as steady as that lol.

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