Prof Nails poll - skill levels


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Mar 5, 2003
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Just thought I'd get a keep thread going before the weekend for the monthly chat room topic for Professional Nails mag.

I guess this one's a bit more weighty than the usual, but I'm curious to find out what you guys think about your level of skill.

I just thought it'd be interesting to hear what areas you perhaps don't feel so confident in/where you could do with some more help.

Or perhaps you think you are the greatest tech in the world with skills as sharp as, well, nails - either way, it'd be great if you could say your piece.

I know it's pretty difficult to analyse yourself sometimes, but please have a go... I think it could make for interesting reading.

As always, I'll try and publish as many answers as I can in the September issue so please include your full name and business name when replying. Feel free to PM/email me too...

Cheers all


Professional Nails
Hi Kathryn,

I don't rate my level of skill that high I am afraid.

I started out with rubbish training and am now trying to save and train as much as possible to get to a decent level.

I am OK at gel and really enjoy producing sets of gel enhancements but I hate l&p or should I say it hates me.

I am now about to start practicing, practicing and practicing to see if I can get somewhere near a set of decent smile lines!

Vicki Lowe, Fingertips Nail Deisgn, Oldham
I think my level of skill sits somewhere in the middle as my work isn't 100% consistent. I am trying to be less critical of my work as we are human, and so 100% perfection doesn't exist. But I strive and strive to get better and ensure that what I do enhances the nail and hand of my client - I'll be so glad when we're all over the square shape as a nice almond shape is so more flattering for most people!
But my nail knowledge is pretty good and I feel very confident in advising the best course of treatment and giving realistic expectations for each client.

I now just need to improve on my finishing so that my "line of light" is perfectly staight, that's what I'm concentrating on now.

Sarah Haslam, Buff Nails & Beauty, Fareham
I don't think i'm that bad anymore i've worked in a salon for 2 1/2 years now and i can say with confidence that i never turn any clients away and my l&p extensions stay on until 2 or 3 week infills ( if clients look after them too! ) where as when i first started i didn't feel confident with spoon nails or nail biters either and most clients would lose about 3 or 4 by week 2. My acrylics are more curved not flat either, but i do at least 5 sets per week so lots of practise!!
I'm proud of my nail art but many others put me to shame as they are fantastic....
My skill level has greately improve from the time i have started. I had little to no formal training i have taught my self through books and seeing other people but this site has been a truly educational and informative tool with this said i rate my skill at a 6 out of a 10. To the Manufactors the Caribbean has a few Millon people so what about trade shows and skill building classes.

Well, my clients like my work so whatever I'm doing I can't be that bad!

I still have a way to go to achieve perfection, but I'm getting better all the time and am happy with the nails I produce.

I'm confident with:
My nails knowledge
L&P application & the ability to use my brush to create the nail & not having to file for hours to get the desired shape (although found this INCREDIBLY difficult when I started).
With mix ratio, my life is 100x easier since mastering this, I started out working too dry and it was near impossible to create a decent nail!
Being able to blend the enhancement into the natural nail to avoid those tell tale 'growth ledges'

Skills I could do with improving?
Consistency when fitting forms - find some I'm still not getting snug and flush enough.
Probably tip blending - as I haven't done a single set using tips for about 6 months - I sculpt EVERYTHING (even my mum's spoon shaped nails successfully!).
Gel application! It' soooooo different to L&P, I've had a few tries on Hans Solo (nail trainer) but am not happy, can't get used to the consistency compared to L&P; although I've not yet done the conversion training so it's on my 'to do' list in the near future.
Consistency of nail shape. None of my clients (or me!) like square nails, so I'm usually doing oval or squoval, which can be difficult to get all 10 the same; although this doesn't seem to be a major worry for clients as they like their nails to look natural and who has natural nails that are all exactly the same?

There are always new skills to be learnt and existing ones to be perfected, but on the whole I'm happy with my current skill level.

Bryony Bailey
I dont think theres ever a time when we can truly say we are 100% happy with our work. Even when ive produced a fantastic set of nails, i still critisise them! Its only human like sassy said. But i know damn fine well im good at what i do, and i have a very good reputation locally, so that makes me very very happy. I also think you must believe in yurself. But i have had lots and lots of practice. Since i opened my salon doors last june, ive always been fully booked every day, in fact my next available appt isnt until sept 2oth, so i think it speaks for itself. I do, on average around 6 clients per day over a 6 day week, so 30 sets of infills, or new sets per week, lots of practise!!
Im pretty happy with my skill, and feel im improving daily by learning from my own mistakes i only qualified the end of may but im working self employed in a salon and im getting quite alot of returning customers.

I know I have a way to go before I can say im a brilliant nail technician but its my passion and I know I will get there.

so far as long as my customers are happy which they seem to be then Im happy.

I would give myself a 7/10
i would say over the past 6 months i have improved my level of work ten fold, i am not saying i cannot improve, because i can....alot more.
scince advertising and charging full price my confidence has grown as have my overall skills, i have conquered the nervousness i had, i enjoy every single aspect of nail enhancements from new sets to rebalances, this has alot to do with having the time taken through education being shown filing skills through to application of each zone and pushing and patting in zone 3.
my lifting problems are a total thing of the past and i am producing sets of nails that i am proud of......i am still self critical and can find fault with every set i do .........but that is because i still want to learn more and produce the most amazing set of nails to date.
my customers are more than happy when they leave me and they trust me....which says alot in it self, and it is those customers who deserve me to be the best most up to date with education...nail technician they have had the pleasure to know.
Hiya xx

I am not always 100% happy with the nails I produce but more importantly my clients are...they don't see what I see and so, are not as critical. If I was to scrutinize every set of nails i did and tear myself apart with this is not 100% perfect and that is not 100% perfect I think it would take away the enjoyment of what i do and i think my clients may pick up on my anxieties.

I am very confident in my prep, tipping and applying the Gel....but then i did have very good training with Creative Nail Design.

I have some issues with other aspects of nails that only further training can help me with...such as re-balancing without making hard work for myself and speed. I tend to take longer than I should to do a full set and a re-balance. I would love to learn more about sculpting as I am only using sculpts to repair damaged nails and would like to do full set sculpts one day..again this would require additional training. Somethings can be achieved with practice, practice and more practice but training is the key to really learning how and what should be done and for tweeking any of the procedures that you are not 100% happy with. So my goals to improving are to have some 121 training for re balance skills and sculpting and to gain some speed without compromising on thoroughness. Until then i am just going to carry on doing what i enjoy and do it to the best of my ability.

xxxx Angela Pole ... NailStyle ... Leics

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