Quitting smoking and weight gain


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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2013
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I've got to give up smoking too much money I did quit for 2 months this year and even though I ate healthy and went to the gym I gained weight.
I hate that you gain weight when you quit is there a way that you can avoid this?? Any help?
I'm 5'4 and around nearly 9 stone, which I suppose is healthy but I'm happiest around 8.2 stone and I don't see how I can get there when I don't smoke as crazy as that May sound?! X
I've got to give up smoking too much money I did quit for 2 months this year and even though I ate healthy and went to the gym I gained weight.
I hate that you gain weight when you quit is there a way that you can avoid this?? Any help?
I'm 5'4 and around nearly 9 stone, which I suppose is healthy but I'm happiest around 8.2 stone and I don't see how I can get there when I don't smoke as crazy as that May sound?! X

8.2 stone is so slim!!!
Lucky so and so

I'm 5ft 5 and if I weigh anything under 9 and a half stone- I'm all boney and skinny! Lol
Totally get this I'm off them again today but Iv not stopped munching crap.

Try chewing gum, brushing your teeth, smints, tic tacs

You doing it cold turkey?
I used patches when I quit a few years ago and because they help control the craving so much I found I wasn't compensating by snacking which I had done previous times I tried to quit. For me patches were an amazing help.
Haha I want to be back to that weight but I know I'm not over weight just don't feel comfortable! Yeah I've gone cold turkey I did when I quit for 2 months did the Paul McKenna cd lol.
Just as I'm only working part time can't afford fags and me and OH just got new apartment so he needs me to quit.
Just so hard when I enjoy smoking, I know I shouldn't! It's scary that I'm worried about my weight rather than health but I won't go down my body issues that's another thread lol!

Thanks guys I'll try mints and patches anything to help xx
I've heard that champix is the way to go. Will help you quit and cause it makes you feel a little nauseous you don't pile on the weight. You get it prescribed by your doctor. So many people I know who have quit swear by it.
Ooo what's champix? I'm so angry I'm dying to storm down the shop but I can't ahhh x
Try going on a website called ten motives it's a electronic cig no harmful stuff but you get the nicotine fix my hubby uses them never had a real one since and he not gained any weight! Good luck!
Oh yeah they are good those e cigs I must get mine back from my sister just wanted to try it cold turkey again but don't see it working x!
Oh bless you cold turkey I'm sure is the hardest way my hubby tried that but couldn't ended up smoking again then once started the 10 motives he has done great
I wish you luck !
Hats off for doing cold turkey. I gave up in May using ecig which did help alot. I'd put on a bit of weight nothing drastic though. I went on a long weekend away in august and started smoking again. Four days later found out I was preggers so I went cold turkey. 'Luckily' (oh the irony) my morning sickness has been awful so went off food alot and have, bar my ever expanding bump, lost weight in places and not put on any in others.

I think we all put on weight when giving up through wanting something to do with our hands and food tasting much nicer. Last time in 9 months I gave up, I went up three dress sizes no joke! All my spare cash went on meals out and a luxury food budget.

For me this time (pre finding out about baby) the ecig was great. Kept my hands and not my belly busy.

Good luck, keep going. I so miss smoking as I actually enjoyed it, but my 8 year old nags like an old woman about my health... and he's right. xxx

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My other half has just done his first 24hours bless him and I can see how much he's struggling (but he's really sick so that helps not wanting to smoke!) He went to the smoking cessation and he's getting it on prescription - patches and lozenges. He's gna see if they'll do it on prepayment certificate though so will only cost 3 months on that. Good luck chick x

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I have up smoking about 6 months ago. . Still chuff on my e cig where necessary. Wouldn't be without my e cig... Good luck guys you can do it. :)

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I gave up normal cigs with the e cig, people sometimes are like oh what the point in that. But I smoked so much I couldn't excersize. Since using the e cig I've lost nearly 4 stone using slimming world and excersize. I wouldn't of taken up a healthy life style while still smoking as felt there was no point when I was a heavy smoker. So maby try e cig with low nicotine to start, I just think it can't be that bad for you as I couldn't get up the stairs before and really active now. I still puff on it sometimes. My friend gave up to and is back on the fags, but I've not even been tempted. Doesn't work for everyone, it's just what worked for me xxxxx
I'm giving up too, I haven't touched a cigarette for a week and a half now!

I've been puffing away on my disposable cigarette from Tesco (10 motives menthol) and it's really helped.

Next month I will wean myself off those too. I haven't noticed a change in my eating habits, although I may actually be eating LESS! We used to smoke in the kitchen so whenever we went out there for a cigarette there was always a fridge peek. Now I don't even have to get out of bed or off the sofa to have a ciggy! Lazy so and so ;)

I've quit for a whole month now and lost 1/2 stone! I've replaced cigarettes with carrots & celery! When I find I have a craving I reach for a carrot stick, it satisfies the having something in your hand feeling to :)
I have also been using a E-Cig which is amazing as it gives you the 'hit' at the back if you throat lol! Xxxxxx
I stopped cold turkey 7 months ago now and never looked back.
I have gained about a stone though :( I'm pretty tall so I get away with it (5'7) but I want to get back down to 8st, would settle for 8.5.
I find I eat chocolate more, as I have a chocolate bar when before I would just have a smoke. I'd be so bored without eating and smoking though grrr
My dad has recently been diagnosed with severe COPD & has just been prescribed champix tablets also. Apparently you can smoke like normal for 6 weeks & they eventually shut down receptors in your brain what make you want a cig :/ which makes you feel sick if you have one. Never heard of them before but i know this is what my Dad is trying x
My dad has recently been diagnosed with severe COPD & has just been prescribed champix tablets also. Apparently you can smoke like normal for 6 weeks & they eventually shut down receptors in your brain what make you want a cig :/ which makes you feel sick if you have one. Never heard of them before but i know this is what my Dad is trying x

I tried Champix last year. I felt nauseous after taking it, thought
I was going to throw up. You have to take LOTS of water with it, I mean lots. I think on a empty stomach, can't remember.
Allen Carr vid is good. Unfortunately he died from lung cancer.

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