Report to trading standards?


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Creative Keren

Creative Nail Studio
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
Evening all,

Ill get right to the point on this one.

I'm the type of person that just carries on with my own business and doesnt worry about what others do. I dont turn a blind eye completely but i dont tend to waste my efforts or time worrying about what others do. Having said that...when i see people constantly offering 'amazing bargain' prices and have to spend time dealing with the aftermath or correcting some plastic hooves someones wacked on, seeing the damage theyve done and having a battle to try to try and make people realise that, that type of damage and/or expeience isnt normal, you can understand that over time it does stay in the back of my mind. Especially when these idiots give our industry such a bad name. When we have all spent thousands on correct and specialist training because we have a genuine passion for what we do, its bound to hit a nerve right?

Anyway, there are two people that i keep seeing popping up on FB offering (for example) full set of acrylics for £15.00, tooth gems, micro ring hair extensions full head £100 etc the thing thats getting me is that they upload pictures that they have taken from someone/somewhere else claining its their own work! I know this because earlier i saw they are now offering gel glitter toes for £10.00 i knew id seen the pic before so i went onto google and typed in gel glitter toes and up came the image. I clicked on the link and its from someones business website in the states and at the bottom it states no one is allowed to use words, text or pictures from the website. Shes also done the same for lashes and threading and acrylic nails.. theyre all from google - from various peoples websites and even one of my own ones :evil: (old one before i started watermarking them all). I dont know if this person is or isnt qualified but it doesnt say anywhere that she is.

Also i know this other person - who owns a salon in town but isnt qualified in beauty themselves- keeps doing the same.

Am i being stupid if i report them to trading standards? I am very proud of my work and do not agree with people like this robbing other peoples pictures and claiming its their work and then doing us professionals a great dis-service. What would you guys do?

Sorry for the essay lol XxX
It goes on all the time in every profession from plumbers to hairdressers.

What would I do?
Nothing .

I don't care what they do. If they run into some sort of trouble it's their own look out.

If they are using someone elses images as passing them off as their own but cannot replicate the work then they are just getting themselves a bad name and won't last very long in business anyway so who cares * shrug*
It goes on all the time in every profession from plumbers to hairdressers.

What would I do?
Nothing .

I don't care what they do. If they run into some sort of trouble it's their own look out.

If they are using someone elses images as passing them off as their own but cannot replicate the work then they are just getting themselves a bad name and won't last very long in business anyway so who cares * shrug*

I agree in principle but can't help feeling that these people give the rest of us a bad name, shame on them. I'd report them. I'm too passionate about our industry not to.
This situation is a double edged sword (in my eyes)

We often say "don't do anything, ignore them, they will go away eventually, they will get a bad rep and their clients will stop going to them etc etc"

but at the same time, people like this are plagiarizing someone elses hard work and giving our industry a bad name and we already fight the bad rep issue enough thanks to NSS popping up everywhere.

So when we say "do nothing" then we only have ourselves to blame why our beloved industry has a bad name, because we all too often "do nothing" so the bad guys continue to get away with it and so the cycle continues but at the same time, we need to concentrate on our own business/career and not let these idiots get to this is why I feel it's a double edged sword situation.

Due to the fact that these girls or girl is taking images of others work and passing it off as her/their own, yes, I would report her/them and report her/them for all you can:)
If I knew first hand this was happening and could prove it to the authorities, then I wouldn't be able to rest my head at night knowing I'm letting someone get away with it all cause I want to turn a blind eye and concentrate on my own business.

Good luck in your decision:)
Can you not report her to facebook? I'm sure when u post a pic the t & cs say something about being the owner of the pic?? I would then, if possible, get on touch with the original owner of the pic, then they can choose how they want to go forward with it???
Can you not report her to facebook? I'm sure when u post a pic the t & cs say something about being the owner of the pic?? I would then, if possible, get on touch with the original owner of the pic, then they can choose how they want to go forward with it???

I agree with this - message the real owner of the pics and send a link to her website of copied work then it's upto them what they do - even get then to report to fb rather than yourself. There are easy IT ways of tracking owners of photos. Someone once set up a fake fb profile using my friends modelling pics! It was easy for an IT guy to trace the owner of the originals. HTH xxx
I don't actually think this is a matter for Trading Standards is it ?

This would be for the websites the images have been taken from to take action.
I know a few years back a Geek had unintentially used some images on her website thinking they were just generic images, but it turned out some big Corporation owned the Rights to them and they sued her for thousands !

I too don't bother with the competition around me, and just concentrate on my own business.....I never see others on Facebook and I do wonder how you all see these things, I only ever see what is on my own Newsfeed, Do you search to see these things, if so why ?
I agree completely with Izzi and have often wondered how so many have the time to see this stuff on FB .. I certainly never do. They must be searching for trouble.

I also respectfully do not agree with the others that think that 'these people' give the rest of us a bad name. 'These people' are on the fringe .. they are not part of our industry, they are parasites that feed off our industry and I have often thought that because of them and their non-existent standards, they actually elevate the rest of us and make our professional work shine all the brighter.

In this world in every profession, there are those that DO, that INNOVATE, that have STANDARDS, work ETHICS, INTEGRITY ... and then there are the ones who my son refers to as 'the bottom feeders', the parasites; and like parasites they really can't do anything on their own they need to feed for a little while and then drop off the host, never to be heard of again. That is exactly what happens to 'these people'; they come, they go and they don't need our help to get rid of them because they don't have principles and they haven't got a lick of talent or skill at what they are doing, they just have a talent for deceit. So I say, forget them; they are not a part of our league.
I agree completely with Izzi and have often wondered how so many have the time to see this stuff on FB .. I certainly never do. They must be searching for trouble.

I also respectfully do not agree with the others that think that 'these people' give the rest of us a bad name. 'These people' are on the fringe .. they are not part of our industry, they are parasites that feed off our industry and I have often thought that because of them and their non-existent standards, they actually elevate the rest of us and make our professional work shine all the brighter.

In this world in every profession, there are those that DO, that INNOVATE, that have STANDARDS, work ETHICS, INTEGRITY ... and then there are the ones who my son refers to as 'the bottom feeders', the parasites; and like parasites they really can't do anything on their own they need to feed for a little while and then drop off the host, never to be heard of again. That is exactly what happens to 'these people'; they come, they go and they don't need our help to get rid of them because they don't have principles and they haven't got a lick of talent or skill at what they are doing, they just have a talent for deceit. So I say, forget them; they are not a part of our league.

Wonderfully put Geeg!
To echo others thoughts i'd honestly let it go. If you see an image of yours being used on fb report it, if its off your website and on theirs contact them and ask them to stop. Thats as far as id go.

I understand how people feel it is very frustrating when bad 'technicians' fool clients with their lack of knowledge and ability but in my experience i have one client in particular who had l&p for over two years and they absolutely butchered her nails. She came to me wanting shellac and weve both put in the time and effort over a 7 month period and her nails are looking great now. About a month in to her treatments she said laura its so nice my nails dont hurt and that we talk about how to look after them, i never had that in over 2 years with my last tech. My point is in all intent and purpose this previous tech could have put my client off, but they didnt, in fact i have gained a regular two week client who recommends me to others and sings like a canary about my service. As above, bad techs just highlight those techs who give a great service :)

Dont sweat it honey, centre on you, continue to educate your clients and know that youll still be around when the others show themselves for exactly what they are.

Hugs x x x

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Thank you all for the replys. After much deliberation I have decided that I will not bother doing anything but if she uses one of mine or someone I knows picture as her own again I will actively do something about that. I see her crop up on FB as many of my clients 'like' her pictures and she's hosting a ladies night evening so people are sharing the event over FB. I do not go looking for trouble at all. It just irritates me that people think its acceptable to take credit for other people's work and get away with it.
Unfortunately it does happen but as already said these people will run themselves out of business.
In my village (which is it not big) there is a particular hairdressers which has started offering gel polish ( not even a known brand ) for £10 and the girls applying this polish ...... Not even qualified. I know this as 1 of those girls is my niece who rung me last week asking how do I remove this polish. I've tried soaking and it's not coming off.
The girls are getting frightened if someone comes in and ask for their qualifications .... The owners response ..... Ill print you a manicure and pedicure certificate if anyone asks 😡 I was livid when I heard this but I'm gonna do nothing .

It's hard but sometimes the best decision to leave it .
The thing is there will always be people who want their nails done for a £10 and their will be people who will do them for £10, but who cares because do you want a customer that undervalues your skills an training and wants to pay you £10, I don't lol xxxx

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