Salon work part-time?


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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2009
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This may seem likes a stupid question but I'm thinking of doing a day or two in a salon aswell as my salon at home for some extra regular money. My question is would you hand C.V's to places that have one beauty therapist working for them? I wouldnt want to put anyone's nose out of joint! Would you recommend it?
Do you not think salon owners would think you were only looking for more clients for your home salon?
Do you not think salon owners would think you were only looking for more clients for your home salon?

good point! But I would never do that! :lol: I just wanted to get some regular part-time work and gain some more salon exp. I thought that was the norm these days for girls to work in salons have regular clients outside also?
Personally I wouldn't touch someone who owned their own salon (home based or otherwise) OR worked mobile with a very long barge pole "just in-case".

I think you'll find it very difficult finding anyone who will take you on...
Personally I wouldn't touch someone who owned their own salon (home based or otherwise) OR worked mobile with a very long barge pole "just in-case".

I think you'll find it very difficult finding anyone who will take you on...

Suppose I would be the same if I was employing someone!
In a lot of salons the contract states that employees cannot work in competition with their employer, so it is really not the norm.
In a lot of salons the contract states that employees cannot work in competition with their employer, so it is really not the norm.

I think it maybe some therapists do it on the quiet? I've often heard geeks on here about products the use while working in a salon and products they use for outside clients.
I think you should go for it. Never thought I'd say this but maybe you'd be better off going for a spa or similar. The only reason I say that is that when I worked in a spa 90% of the girls work for themselves and the reason for working in the spa was to have a steady income (as obviously working for yourself the amount of work can change on a weekly basis), you work with other people (honestly the girls I worked with were just wonderful and I miss them so much) and because you quite often get contined training.

To be honest, posted on here a while back that I was honest with a salon owner round near where I live. I mentioned that I did stuff from home and was it going to be a problem blah blah. Well initially she said no it wasn't a prob, she realised that many people do it in this industry but then she phoned back and cancelled my interview and said it had made her nervous. Fair enough but I can honestly say hand on heart I don't want work in a salon/spa to get hold of their clients. I feel I am quite capable of getting my own.

Just be aware though that working for a salon owner can be very difficult. I switched jobs approx four weeks ago to a salon from the spa. I absolutely hate it! The salon owner is the most bitchiest, two faced, old cow I've ever come across. The annoying thing is I was offered another job a week after this one and me having a loyal moment went with this one because it was already arranged. She has to be one of the most unprofessional people ever. Bitching about another therapist to me, bitching to clients about other clients, not having any consultation forms, last week getting me to do a body polish, facial and bns on a pregnant woman of 6 weeks who'd had ivf to get pregnant! I was so annoyed. My husband said I should have told her I wasn't doing it but I said if I'd said that I wouldn't have been going back again she is that much of a cow! So not busy either, is driving me mental, cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning. Also always banging on about who she has sacked and why - like I said, think she is absolutely mental. Oh yeah also getting really annoyed with me because I sometimes ask her to repeat things because I am slightly hard of hearing in one ear - just rude.

Tbh I'm thinking about going back to the spa! Bad pay and lots of massage but left to my own devices most of the day, busy and great people to work with.

Sorry rant over now, I've probably put you off now!
I think you should go for it. Never thought I'd say this but maybe you'd be better off going for a spa or similar. The only reason I say that is that when I worked in a spa 90% of the girls work for themselves and the reason for working in the spa was to have a steady income (as obviously working for yourself the amount of work can change on a weekly basis), you work with other people (honestly the girls I worked with were just wonderful and I miss them so much) and because you quite often get contined training.

To be honest, posted on here a while back that I was honest with a salon owner round near where I live. I mentioned that I did stuff from home and was it going to be a problem blah blah. Well initially she said no it wasn't a prob, she realised that many people do it in this industry but then she phoned back and cancelled my interview and said it had made her nervous. Fair enough but I can honestly say hand on heart I don't want work in a salon/spa to get hold of their clients. I feel I am quite capable of getting my own.

Just be aware though that working for a salon owner can be very difficult. I switched jobs approx four weeks ago to a salon from the spa. I absolutely hate it! The salon owner is the most bitchiest, two faced, old cow I've ever come across. The annoying thing is I was offered another job a week after this one and me having a loyal moment went with this one because it was already arranged. She has to be one of the most unprofessional people ever. Bitching about another therapist to me, bitching to clients about other clients, not having any consultation forms, last week getting me to do a body polish, facial and bns on a pregnant woman of 6 weeks who'd had ivf to get pregnant! I was so annoyed. My husband said I should have told her I wasn't doing it but I said if I'd said that I wouldn't have been going back again she is that much of a cow! So not busy either, is driving me mental, cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning. Also always banging on about who she has sacked and why - like I said, think she is absolutely mental. Oh yeah also getting really annoyed with me because I sometimes ask her to repeat things because I am slightly hard of hearing in one ear - just rude.

Tbh I'm thinking about going back to the spa! Bad pay and lots of massage but left to my own devices most of the day, busy and great people to work with.

Sorry rant over now, I've probably put you off now!

You really need to move on from there. You clearly dislike this salon and don't want to work there. However the fact that you are having a bad experience in a salon doesn't mean all salons are bad, or all salon owners are mad cows who deserve to have the staff that they pay (and train) nick their clients to do at home.

I would always urge people who are employed by salons to "do as you would be done by". Would you be happy if your employer short changed you? or ripped you off?

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