Self employed; giving your notice?


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Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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Another planet.
Hi Geeks

I've had a really rough ride at my current salon. I've just been forced into signing a contract with a lot of points I don't agree with which has been the final straw for me. Anyway I have found another salon to go to and am thinking I'm going to go for it. I've never given notice before so I'm really nervous. I need to give a month and in writing. Thing is it wouldnt surprise me if they deny ever getting my notice and I know my last month is going to be miserable.

When you've given notice do you say why or where you are going? Did you givr it to them ny hand or srnd it recorded delivery so you you've proof they recieved it?

Thanks Geeks

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You do not need to give a reason why you are leaving.
You should be able to hand it over to them, personally I think this would be better than posting recorded delivery. If you are worried that they'll deny receiving it, I'd print off 2 copies and at the bottom add a little part that say "this notice was received by ---- on the date ----" and get them to sign your copy. You can advise its for your accountant if they ask why they have to sign.
Good luck :)
When your self employed you don't give notice as your the boss - you would have to inform the salon that you will be leaving on xyz date if your renting your station or a room & you have to pay them to that date.

As a self employed tech the only contract you should have is a rental agreement.

You don't have to continue working there for a week/fortnight/month if you want to just leave you can. Employed therapists usually get put on garden leave when they hand in their notice (this means they still get paid but don't go to work as the salon owner would be worried about the clients being poached/stolen by the employee).

Obviously if your going to just leave you will need to ensure there are none of your clients booked in as letting YOUR clients down would look bad on you as they may decide to follow you to your new salon.
Sorry to hear you are having a tough time. I would give notice in writing in person just stating that you would like to give notice of termination of your employment (assuming you are actually employed) and your last day is XXXX. If you have any outstanding holiday due then this could be taken as part of your notice ie if you had a week owing you could a really leave in 3 weeks. You do not need to say where you are going (although it is likely they will ask you) but I would be really pleasant in the letter wishing them all the best for the future etc especially if you need a reference. Good luck!
Could you have two copies and get them to sign and date one so you have proof they received it x
As has been said - do you actually need to give notice? It is courteous to do so. I'm renting a room out, and the therapist is self employed, but if she left I would expect some notice as although she is self employed, her room rental is a contract with me. You won't need any sort of reference, obviously, but I think the idea of getting it signed is a good one, or handing it over with a witness or two.

It sounds like your doing the right thing!!
Good luck x
It is notice of my leaving, I have to give a month according to my newly signed contract. I guess this gives them ample time to fill the room. I pay my rent upfront so I wouldn't own them anything.

I hope I am doing the right thing, I can't stay here that's for sure. I take it if I wanted to provided I had paid them the month's rent I could leave whenever?

I would of course contact all of my clients and am likely to stick the month out to ensure everyone knows I am leaving.

It's a very small town and I'm not even sure what I would say to my clients as to why I am leaving. Some of them know the truth about how awful it is here but then some don't.

Thanks for the replies Geeks.
Zooks, try this.

Dear X

It's with regret that I'm writing to notify you that I will be leaving the salon and vacating my room on X date, giving you X amount of notice as per our original agreement.

Thank you very much for the time that I've spent there and I wish you and your business continued success for the future.

Warm regards,

Zoe X
Thanks Kim, that's really helpful. I am worried as I know when I give it to her I will want to say why or where I am going just to fill the awkward silence!
Thanks Kim, that's really helpful. I am worried as I know when I give it to her I will want to say why or where I am going just to fill the awkward silence!
Say nothing. If they ask you why, just say 'no reason, just time for a change'. Keep it positive. xox
If you struggle with 'awkward silences', count to 100 or sing a song in your head to keep your brain occupied.

Hopefully, you'll feel less pressure to speak. ;-)
When did you sign the contract? Don't you have a 7 day cooling off period on this type of contract? Your notice might not be 4 weeks after all. I don't think he was prepared to give you that much notice if you hadn't signed. Just a thought.

Try to keep it all as amicable as possible. Tell your clients you fancied a change. I agree with AcidPerm. Sing "I want to break free / Queen" in any awkward silences
If you have been forced to sign the contract then you were well within your right to sign and state signed under duress or signed under protest. This shows you were forced and weakens their case for anything they may say that you breached your contract.

I would give them a copy of your notice and a month to up and leave to this new salon but as others have said keep it positive

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Well I was told in no uncertain terms by the landladys very unpleasant husband to sign it or get out so I really didnt have a choice given that I had clients booked in both that day and the next.

I have been given some good advice here, thankyou for that. It hasn't been the best experience though its has been a foot onto the ladder and a very big learning curve. I want to leave as amicably as possible.

My stomach turns just thinking about giving it in and how I will be treated but then I guess each day is one day less I don't have to be here! Always look for the silver lining hey!

Thanks so much geeks.
Doesnt matter if he was nice or not legally you had every right to put signed under protest on your contract and if he kicked up a stink about it the law would be on your side not his which is why now if he made a fuss and you sought legal advice they can say that you signed the contract willingly and were happy with the new contract.

So now that you have the new contract you have fo abide by the notice rules. If they do kick up about it just smle knkwing your going somewhere mch nicer. Good luck in handing in your notice and your new room

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Sorry! I've obviously missed something.

You're renting a room right?

Was the contract just about the terms if rent and what's included? That's fair enough.

How were you forced to sign it?
Be prepared before you give your notice that she might say she wants you out right away! Make sure you can get your things quickly and leave if necessary.
I would write a very quick, to the point letter, hand it to the owner. An I'd say, as I handed it- that's notice of my moving on. If they asked why, I'd would be honest, and say you felt pushed into signing a contract... And if there is any bother, I'd pack up and walk out the door. Do you have numbers for your clients. You could sit down, an ring them all to tell then, which actually is pretty good advertising for yourself!! And would boost your appointments when you start new job!!!
Yes it's just notice of me leaving the room.

I have the details in another thread so I won't bore you all too much with the ins and outs again but long story short; Been waiting for a contract for 19 months, finally got contract and there's a heap of stuff I wasn't prepared to sign so we agreed it needed changing, things turned sour and the husband turned up telling to sign or get out.

I had clients in and honestly felt I didn't have a choice.

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Just letting you know my experience... I rented a building next to the landlords hairdressing business. I was paying so much rent it was actually cheaper to buy my own property. We had a 3 month contract of notice if either of us wanted to get out of the rental, to give both parties time. I handed my notice in saying it was time for my own property and would be happy to work 3 months or however long wmu

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