Well-Known Member
Hi folks, really cheesed off. I know, I know when Shellac comes in we will get some!!!?????????? But keep having to put clients off!!! Had a client booked in today as I thought I would have had my Shellac by now. I offered her another treatment in its place for half price but she ended up being so rude to me as she only wanted Shellac. When I explained that it still hadn't arrived in the UK yet, she got up and said that it was more like not ordering it, fobing her off with an inferior product and she was off to find someone who actually had it!!! and then walked out:lick:. I was gob smacked. I am doing so many Dashing Divas and need shellac to over coat it so it lasts longer. Come on get a move on please!!! LOL SOB SOB:sad::sad: