New Member
I posted a threas on this subject about a month ago, but I feel i was not clear enough with it. I have skin that is attached to the undersurface of my fingernails, i believe it is my hyponychium. This condition is called pterygum inversum unguis. For some reaosn however I just got this no more than a year ago. The skin that is attached is very soft, and it looks white and clear. If i take a shower, when i get out and the skin is nice and soft, i can actally peel a lot fo the skin off if i pick at it. The skin that is attached to my nail is alive skin, but it appears that dead skin or debri piles on top of my hyponychium. I know im not suppose to pick at it, but it seems like if i picked at it enough, or had some kind of other treament done to it, that is would solve the problem. Please, is there anyone who can give me some good advice. This is driving me nuts!