So happy I found Salongeek


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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2012
Reaction score
West Midlands
Before I found sg I was a nervous wreck! But now I know iv got all you guys to help me it's really helped my confidence and I feel so much happier! Just wanted to share this! Xxxxx
Before I found sg I was a nervous wreck! But now I know iv got all you guys to help me it's really helped my confidence and I feel so much happier! Just wanted to share this! Xxxxx

We're all here to help each other :0) xx
Hi Natm I so agree SG has really helped me when I feel down and useless as I really want to be great at what I do , and SG just gives you the belief that you can x
That's how I feel! I want to be great and there are days when I struggle or need help and coming on here is a life saver cause you don't feel alone anymore! X
Me too, a friend told me about it and i have learnt so much off here already and only been a member for two months.
One problem i have with the site though its far to addictive:eek:
I know what you mean. I just wish we had had a computer in the house when I was doing my training and starting up, I know it would have helped such a lot and people are so kind.

Been a regular visitor ever since I found it though and it's so good to have the support and advice that you find on here :hug::hug::hug::hug:
It is an amazing community, full of help and support. This extends personally as well as professionally, there is always someone willing to lend a shoulder to cry on if needed!
I would be lost without SG and all of the advice from some of the top names in our industry, for free might I add! I love it!! Xx
I know just the feeling I love salon geek .... It's great speaking to people who have the same experiences and it really has give me a confidence boost and also opened up my eyes to new things.... Happy days <3 xxx

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