Solution turned green


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Apr 24, 2017
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Hi there!
I use Nouvatan solutions. I bought the 16 % about 1,5 months ago. Right from the start I thought it had a differnt bronzer-tone than the others with a lower %, a bit green-ish.
Anyway, I used it on two clients who loved it! Also on myself, and its the darkest tan Ive got.
After a while the solution got more green. It looked a bit green in the bottle and when I sprayed. But the client wanted it anyway and was very happy with the colour the day after.
I put some drops on paper and it was green. I then stopped using it.

Now I wonder, can the solution still work despite the green colour? What causes the green colour?

The clients still request this solution but I have not wanted to use it.... she knows that the bronzer isnt pretty but she loves the result.

Regards. And sorry for any writing errors, Im swedish. Tess
The red pigment in the brown tint has degraded, or broken down, red plus green gives you the brown so takeaway the red and you get just green on its own.

The dha will work anyway.

You wouldn't expect to see it happen so early unless you've stored it in direct sun light. I would complain to your supplier if you've stored it correctly.
Thank you for your answer!
I have stored it in a, What do you call it? Cooling box? Its completely dark inside. But the Box hasent been "on". The box has been stored by a window but not in direct sunlight. The room temperature between 14-18 celcius....
I'd complain, you've stored it in a cool dark place. You can always use it on yourself.
Always store solution in the fridge. As it will literally spoil if near the radiator or sunlight!
I sent an email to the website I bought it from. I got an answer if I wanted a new bottle or a refund!
Does your solutions come with expiry dates on them? Perhaps if they decant themselves they were decanting short dates stuff. And the higher dha the easily it will oxidise .
Which I am sure your trainer or the product rep should have explained to you in the Manuel or somewhere.
I would ask for a new bottle and just see what it's like compared to the old one. If they both rubbish Send both back and get a refund.
I use Nouvatan but I cant find any dates on the bottles.....
You solution has started to break down, It is still useable, but I personally think its unprofessional to use on a client :)

Once the guide colour starts to break down, so will the DHA , which may result in a lighter tan than usual aswell which is another reason I wouldn't use this on a paying client

Use it on yourself :)
Thank you! I did a patch test and this one was lighter than the others with lower %.
Hi babe Looks like you have left it open, or the manufacture has had it sitting around for a while and it's lost its shelf life!!
Send it back

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