Starting up again, where to start?


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Jul 14, 2013
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Hi everyone

I started up a beauty room in a hairdressers a few years back and unfortunately I didn't have the money or time to carry on and build up my client base so I'm now working full time outside of the beauty industry. I really want to get started again and was thinking about setting up in my spare room, I just don't know where to start and don't have much confidence as I've been out of it for a few years. Just after a bit of advice if anyone's been in my position before?

Hi everyone

I started up a beauty room in a hairdressers a few years back and unfortunately I didn't have the money or time to carry on and build up my client base so I'm now working full time outside of the beauty industry. I really want to get started again and was thinking about setting up in my spare room, I just don't know where to start and don't have much confidence as I've been out of it for a few years. Just after a bit of advice if anyone's been in my position before?

Could you do some sort of refresher/confidence builder course? When I got back into nails 2 years ago after a break (literally, snaped my right wrist and took ages of physio to be able to work again lol) I did a course specific to sculpting and the confidence boost I got knowing I still had it when I heard I'd passed was immense. I also did a couple of design courses with Gemma Lambert which helped even more with confidence and self belief. Good luck x
I had a break of nearly 8 years between getting my qualifications and actually starting my business. Absolutely zero confidence, didn't really know what to expect. I retook some of my courses, did some manufacturer training which came with my equipment and also bought lots of business and beauty textbooks to immerse myself back into the beauty world. In retrospect I wish I'd kept my job and just started doing 1 day a week to begin with, but it'll really depend on your own situation and feelings.

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