Was that £1 per foot or a £1 for both feet...you could have done a promo.....buy one at a £1 or buy one for each feet for £1.50 and save 25%i did use them. i sold them fot £1.00 but people didnt want pay ... couldnt put tan price up cheap as here !!! so use blue white roll ask clients to moisturise feet when doing webs hands etc and shuffle when turning x4 .... works fab xx
Was that £1 per foot or a £1 for both feet...you could have done a promo.....buy one at a £1 or buy one for each feet for £1.50 and save 25%:lol::hug:
That's except for a one legged Irishman from Cork who would,despite his disability,have to pay the full £1:o
sienna do black sticky feet and they are so sticky that my customers actually leave the salon wearing them, i think its a fab idea as i know there feet will stay perfect as they are not putting there shoes back on. no matter how many times i say bring flip flops they still turn up in trainers. i dont charge for sticky feet, id rather know my customers have perfect feet than risk a bad reputation because there feet were all stained underneath
sienna do black sticky feet and they are so sticky that my customers actually leave the salon wearing them, i think its a fab idea as i know there feet will stay perfect as they are not putting there shoes back on. no matter how many times i say bring flip flops they still turn up in trainers. i dont charge for sticky feet, id rather know my customers have perfect feet than risk a bad reputation because there feet were all stained underneath
If they are that sticky then they would be a nightmare to get off and will leave sticky residue on the feet. Ellisons sticky feet aren't that sticky but do the job without leaving that horrible sticky residue.
I certainly wouldn't let my clients leave the salon wearing them![]()