The importance of a good scrape n shake


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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2013
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I used iLac i45 today and it looked lighter and pinker than my swatch stick, despite a decent shake. I used it on my mum last week and thought the same thing. So when I got in today I scraped it with a stir tool and discovered a clump of metallic gold pigment at the bottom. Check out the difference! Sadly I prefer my original swatch stick on the right, it may be a bit darker now than it should be as its been used a couple of times and then scraped, so there'd be a bit less gel for it to mix into. The mani pic is with a mermaid glitter over it, but you can still see how light it looked.

So the lesson learned is, give all your bottles a good scrape! Xx
This is a great reminder.

I've seen some awful pictures of Shellac Grape Gum lately, from new techs who haven't seen the colour before and don't realise how badly the shimmer pigments sink and settle into a clump at the bottom, so apply as is.
Gorgeous colour, but hideous and strange (IMO) if never stirred.
I almost cried when I bought a new bottle and thought the colour changed when I pulled out the brush and there was just a weird jelly purple lol
I always remember to shake, but scraping/stirring makes a huge difference. A shake is not gonna move those dry clumpy pigments that like to stick to the bottom of our bottles.

I feel like a right idiot lol. Luckily it was only used on my mum (mani above), who's in love with the finished mani anyway, and the lady I work with- who was debating rockstars, so all's well that ends well!

Apologies for the giant pics! I did it all direct from my ipod and was not expecting that! xx
I use Cuccio and they advise to stir all their veneers and it makes a huge difference.