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Well-Known Member
May 22, 2005
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I have just done a rebalance on my first practice customer but her nails were a right mess.. she works with young children... the children has a painting day today and my customer had orange paint oll under the tips and acrylic I cant understand how this happened.. she now has to come back in a couple of days to have the tips all removed and replaced.. my question is..... how did they paint get so far under and what did i do wrong... bare in mind it was my first practice...
HappyHands said:
I have just done a rebalance on my first practice customer but her nails were a right mess.. she works with young children... the children has a painting day today and my customer had orange paint oll under the tips and acrylic I cant understand how this happened.. she now has to come back in a couple of days to have the tips all removed and replaced.. my question is..... how did they paint get so far under and what did i do wrong... bare in mind it was my first practice...

I would probably think that the sidewalls were not sealed properly so paint has seeped under, she may also have abit of curling (were the freedge comes away from the tip) again allowing things to seep under. Make sure your firm with your acrylic and really press it into the sides. I used to have this problem at the beginning, it does get better...honest!! :D
Sorry.. also, if they are really discoloured i would soak off you will not be able to file this out if it has gone underneath, and left there it could cause nasties to develop!! :green:
Yuck. Off the subject a minute, I had a client who would only come in for a backfill when her nails were about to fall off. She also worked with kids so her nails got really battered as she was in water & stuff, plus they always had paint around the edges where they had lifted. It was taking me twice the normal time to do a backfill as my other clients but I was charging her for just a backfill. In the end I told her she'd have to start looking after them & come in more often or I'd start charging her for a full rebalance every time, as that was really what she was getting. Funnily enough, straight after that her nails miraculously stopped lifting & she never had paint under her nails again. The point is, how has your client been looking after them at home? If she has paint under them she's clearly not treating them well! I would double & triple check your prep as this is the likely cause for them lifting away but also make sure you've given suitable aftercare advice so she knows how to look after them. HTH
What seems to have happened here is that there has been some lifting going on. If she works with children she is going to be washing her hands quite alot not to mention the battering they may be getting. So this could be one cause of the lifting. .............the other cause of lifting is making sure that you prep the nail thoroughly, using cuticle remover, then rinse well and dry , remove surface shine, eliminate pathogens and purify nail plate with something like scrubfresh...........all this must be done before applying your product to prevent lifting.............and there fore preventing anything (including paint) getting in between the product and the natural nail. Hope you find this useful.:D
HappyHands said:
I have just done a rebalance on my first practice customer but her nails were a right mess.. she works with young children... the children has a painting day today and my customer had orange paint oll under the tips and acrylic I cant understand how this happened.. she now has to come back in a couple of days to have the tips all removed and replaced.. my question is..... how did they paint get so far under and what did i do wrong... bare in mind it was my first practice...

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