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Active Member
Nov 13, 2012
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Hi..Has anyone used Dia light or dia richesse as a toner? What is it like?
I've always used Luo and wanted to try something different. Thanks
Yes I love personally the 901 and 902 dialight x
Hi..Has anyone used Dia light or dia richesse as a toner? What is it like?
I've always used Luo and wanted to try something different. Thanks

10.12 is really nice - I only ever use 6vol with the milkshake toners
They're lovely, they add a great shine and I find the condition feels nice after them! :) I like 9.01 for ash, 9.13 for creamy blonde or 10.32 for something a bit more golden but without a brassy look! I have used both dia light and richesse and if I'm honest there's very little noticeable difference in the results, but bear in mind dia light is designed specifically for this kind of job as it's for sensitised hair x
Thanks so much :)
I've got someone next week who wants highlights she is a base 5 coloured.. And I think it will lift quite warm so think I will give dia light ago x
I love dia light 10.12 for a clean blonde! It's not grey-ish like some toners it's lovely. If worried about grab I add a bit of clear. X
Yes love dialights to tone all the frosted milkshakes are lovely and a fav of mine is 9.13 lovely creamy blonde 10.13 is nice to have a play around x
9.13 dialight is beaaaaautiful :) x

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