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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
Great website.

The logo seem to be a bit big possibly and going over the header design? Can you reduce it any?

Also the font on your front page looks a bit big, possibly make it the same size as the font on your Aftercare page.

On your newsletter section there's a big gap, should that be there?

Other than that its great, I love looking through your work =).
Looking good!

I love the fact that they are your own pictures and not some stock images. I hate those as it makes me think the person isn't good enough to publicise their OWN work.

Only thing I'd suggest is maybe moving your offer of the month link to the top of the home page?

People hop in and out of sites so quickly that not everyone scrolls down. It's such a great way to entice new clients that you don't want it to be missed.

Good Luck x
Thanks, i have made a few changes from your feedback
Looking good so far, however I agree with Redz24 the font is a little too big. Also, I think it would be nice for clients to see a photo of you in your professional clothes instead of normal wear.
Also, I think it would be nice for clients to see a photo of you in your professional clothes instead of normal wear.

I agree, thats one think i keep meaning to do, but always forget.
Also I'm gonna get around to taking some 'action' photos lol
Love the site, again its great to see pictures of your work as opposed to generic ones.
Well done
Looking good so far, however I agree with Redz24 the font is a little too big. Also, I think it would be nice for clients to see a photo of you in your professional clothes instead of normal wear.

Changed font size and new photo finally done :)

Love the site, again its great to see pictures of your work as opposed to generic ones.
Well done


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