What age for ear piercing?


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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2011
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what do you advertise as your age restrictions for ear piercing?

youngest age?

age you dont need parent there?

Any other advise...
what do you advertise as your age restrictions for ear piercing?

youngest age?

age you dont need parent there?

Any other advise...

Youngest I will pierce is 5 but only if they want it done, I state 18 without a parent present.

Personally I won't pierce a baby's ears, but this is my personal views.
I just state that this is due to insurance purposes to save the awkward moment telling a parent I think its cruel to pierce a baby.

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I agree with Lucyboo, I won't pierce baby's ears and I only do clients over the age of 16 without parental consent. I also ask the child if they want it done explain the whole procedure to them and make sure they are happy with that. Explaining also the whole aftercare routine and its up to them to take care of their ears.
I was thinking age 6 up and age 16 or under need parents present. good to get an idea what you all do so thanks.

Just out of interest what do you all charge I was thinking £15 plus £2 for aftercare
I charge £12.50, bust have a look and see what others are charging in your area.
I've always refused babies, I will only pierce if I know 200% that the child wants it done. That's down to my personal opinion as I don't like seeing tiny babies with it done but I know some people do. I would say from 6 then 16 without parents. We charge £12.50 including aftercare, I want to know they are being cleaned and looked after correctly.
Hth x
Most piercing places (tattooists) say 18+ for other piercing, I would use 18 for non parental concent. Otherwise any age if I was doing the peiercing.
I'd also recommend writing up a after care leaflet, and including all the aftercare products in with the service (add it on the price) xoxo
Ear peircing is my next course.
I'm going to offer it to any age but over 16 without parent present and signed consent by parent.

I'm aiming to charge £12.50 with aftercare.
There are no laws regarding consent in the UK (except for nipple and genital piercings) but My opinion is that its good practice to get written parental consent for under 18's and not pierce any child under 5. I would also speak to the child and make sure its what they want, not what the parent wants.
I pierced my own daughters ears a few weeks ago, she is age 6 and asked me for weeks and weeks if I could do it, as all her friends were getting it done - I always said to myself age 13 is an appropriate age - funny how times change or rather I gave in!

I explained it would hurt, I did the first then she was hysterical and didn't want the second done - so I gave her the options 1)wait a day then take out the one we had done and not do the second 2)have 1 ear pierced which would look silly 3) be brave and have the second done... after nearly an hour of tears she choose the third option...

I dont want to be in this situation with another child so think I will really have to explain to the parents and ask the child "do you want it done"

Dont want to be booking out long appointment times for distraught children its a waste of time!!
Not really related to this topic but does anybody know if you can have your belly button re pierced once it's closed up? I've had mixed info on this some say yes others say no as it's effectively scar tissue?
You would need to check with your insurers as many will have a minimum age limit in their policy.
parent permission under 16yrs. i personally do do small kids prob 6 months would be youngest id do. but i find between ages of 4 and 7 yrs are worse age to pierce as they build up a fear. i pierced my kids at 1yr and 2 yrs. my one year old never batted an eyelid and was happily eating her porridge hadnt even realised the earring were already in. unfortunately my 2 yr old had watched her cousin get hers done and cousin was 7 had a big panic and made a big fuss so that made my two year old really nervous should have did her first.
Five on is fine and legally I think your are supposed to be 18 without parents consent. Earring on babies and young boys look very council chic, but I guess that's the look the parents are trying to achieve I suppose. I also hear in Latin countries they pierced babies ears, I'm not comfortable with it, it should be a personal informed choice, after all where would some parents draw the line if there was no laws tattoos? Oh and I need not get the abuse we all know there are some daft parents out there, who do it for THEIR benefit not the child's.
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Ooh an update to this thread, I've since done my earpeircing course with Caflon and pierced many ears since last november.
The youngest was 10months, infact she was my first client.
My granddaughter - didn't bat an eyelid although cried like a beast when her choc pud ran out that I gave her for being braver than her Nana - I was shaking like a leaf before I did the first one.
Since doing her I've done loads of children, a few guys and a couple of ladies.
I have no minimum age, its down to client request. I am qualified and insured to pierce all ages so I will.
If asked my personal preference then I'd say dodgy ages are between 1 and 4 for being wary of getting 2nd ear done.
Once I've a youngster requesting their ears I ensure they know everything that's going on, I honestly answer all questions, show them the tools, click the gun so they can hear the sound and even let them feel it so they know its nothing scary. Then once I am sure they are ready I prep and pierce.
My worst clients are grownups haha.

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I must put in a late comment on this topic, as all girls in our family had their ears pierced at around 3-12months and it seemed to be the 'done' thing then. I personally was about 3 months and I never felt a thing obv cause I can't remember but I know when I have a little girl I will do the same as growing up watching my school friends scream hysterically getting theirs done made me grateful I was younger!! x
Five on is fine and legally I think your are supposed to be 18 without parents consent. Earring on babies and young boys look very council chic, but I guess that's the look the parents are trying to achieve I suppose. I also hear in Latin countries they pierced babies ears, I'm not comfortable with it, it should be a personal informed choice, after all where would some parents draw the line if there was no laws tattoos? Oh and I need not get the abuse we all know there are some daft parents out there, who do it for THEIR benefit not the child's.

I myself had my ears pierced as a baby, it is a cultural thing. I'd like to see you tell my Mum that we looked council chic or that she had done it for her benefit, I have never felt that way about it, neither do I remember having it done :-/
I myself had my ears pierced as a baby, it is a cultural thing. I'd like to see you tell my Mum that we looked council chic or that she had done it for her benefit, I have never felt that way about it, neither do I remember having it done :-/

Ok I do accept that but arranged marriage is a cultural thing too, where is the line drawn that these ears belong to your child and not yourself to punch holes in. Can you honestly say you think it is cultural and not just about fashion? I'm not trying to be difficult just curious no way would I peirce my child's ear before I knew they were making an informed choice. What cultures is it the done thing? Some countries consider human sacrifice a culture thing, doesn't mean it's suddenly alright to do.
Ok I do accept that but arranged marriage is a cultural thing too, where is the line drawn that these ears belong to your child and not yourself to punch holes in. Can you honestly say you think it is cultural and not just about fashion? I'm not trying to be difficult just curious no way would I peirce my child's ear before I knew they were making an informed choice. What cultures is it the done thing? Some countries consider human sacrifice a culture thing, doesn't mean it's suddenly alright to do.

Please do not compare ear piercing in young girls/babies to human sacrifice. Yes it is family tradition, I can honestly say that I have never given it much thought until now. All I know is that I took it for granted that I had them done, I don't remember it and have never thought that I wish they hadn't been done. It is an individual choice, I thought it would be interesting to give my thoughts on it as someone who did have my ears pierced at a very young age. Out of curiousity what age do you feel is appropriate to make an informed choice?
I completely disagree with piercing babies' ears. Totally my own opinion but it's completely unnecessary. I have an 11 month old and can't imagine wanting to see earrings on her.

Each to their own, of course, and not wanting to offend anyone who chooses to do so but, as a professional, I would choose not to pierce infants. (For the record, I am not trained in piercing - I'm a total wimp with needles etc. so wouldn't be much good anyway!).

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