What paint for airbrushing?


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Nov 20, 2004
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Cardiff, Wales, UK
VIRGIN GEEK ** VIRGIN GEEK ** This is my first post!!

Just love this site!

Just a quickie...been reading alot of threads re: airbrushing and want to know which paints can be used in the airbrush. My college tutor reckons she uses regular nail polish and just flushes hers through with water??? After reading stuff on here - I'm not so sure?

I've also got the Essential Nails Airbrushing DVD and it says to only use Airbrush Paints? Really confusing as I know you must be able to use different stuff in it as you can spray a CAR with an airbrush!!

Any thoughts and comments would be much appreciated.

Thanks, Claire (VERY NEW GEEK!)
nailsbyclaire said:
My college tutor reckons she uses regular nail polish and just flushes hers through with water???

No, No, No, No, NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

For a start, Nail Polish doesn't dissolve in water - if it did why would we bother buying polish remover??? And this woman is a TUTOR??

Nail polish in airbrush=serious damage!

Use nail art paints that are specifically for use in an airbrush, these are water soluable so you can rinse out the colour, and use between colour changes, with water (and also easy to remove excess from clients skin, simply washes off). It is advisable to buy Airbrush cleaner and use this at the end of each day to thoroughly clean any paint residue out of the airbrush and prevent blockages caused by paint build up.

There are a number of companies that do paints, the two most popular I know of are Medea paints, available from The Airbrush Company - www.airbrushes.com and Createx paints, which you can get from Melle Stripp at All Things Nails - www.allthingsnails.com

Hope this confirms for you,
nailsbyclaire said:
Just a quickie...been reading alot of threads re: airbrushing and want to know which paints can be used in the airbrush. My college tutor reckons she uses regular nail polish and just flushes hers through with water??? After reading stuff on here - I'm not so sure?

:Scared: :Scared: :Scared: :Scared: :Scared: :Scared:

Bryony beat me to screaming "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo" at ya!

Huge great big porkie pies there!!! Goodness - do you know of any regualar nailpolish that washes off with water!!! Didn't think so. I would suggest you ignore anything your tutor tells you in future regarding airbrushed nail art and ask people here if you have any questions. Aibrushes are expensive pieces of equipment and incorrect 'advice' like this will cost you a fortune!

Now - onto paints. My favourites are Medea, available from www.netnails.net - they're cheap, have a lovely range of colours, clean so easily from airbrush and skin, and are WATER BASED and designed to be used specifically through an airbrush.

Feel free to email/pm me if you have any questions re airbrushed nail art, I'm only too happy to help if I can.

And WELCOME TO THE GEEK SITE! You'll love it here, very friendly and helpful bunch. :D :D :D
Thank you so much for the info. You know what it's like when a "tutor" says something and it goes against everything I had already read about airbrushing....but I decided to stay quiet for the sake of my classmates...and any possible embarassment!! I wasn't quite ready for the reply, "and as you know so much, would you like to teach the class, Missy". Anyway, I bought a Sealey mini compressor from www.tooled-up.com and got a free airbrush with it for just under £110. It's almost identical to the one in the Essential Nails course except no water trap/regulator valve - are these essential for airbrushing nails? Also, am I right in thinking a dual action air brush allows you to control air flow & paint with one trigger? Or do I have a single action?? Any help is greatly appreciated!!

I'm really concerned about this college course now as I've forked out almost £500 for a year long evening course and realise my tutor is possibly a bit wierd! She seems to know all the theory but the demo's in class are rubbish and I've only got to Pedicures!..What am I supposed to do when we get to Powder & Liquid?? Luckily, I've got the essential nails video which is really helpful!
nailsbyclaire said:
It's almost identical to the one in the Essential Nails course except no water trap/regulator valve - are these essential for airbrushing nails? Also, am I right in thinking a dual action air brush allows you to control air flow & paint with one trigger? Or do I have a single action?? Any help is greatly appreciated!!

The water trap is not essential but what it does is collect the water produced and stops it going into the hose and out of the gun.
I believe if you don't have one there is little or no warning when, but you will get a spray of water from your airbrush gun - not great if you just spent ages on a design and get a spray of water through the gun to ruin it for you!!
A dual action gun, as you say, controls air and paint flow with one trigger. Push down to get air out, pull trigger back whatever degree to get paint flow.


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