Which treatment first


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May 15, 2010
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Got my first client booked in for a
back, nceck and shoulder massage,
and pedicure.

Can anyone please advise in which order to do treatments.

Worried about nail polish drying.

personally i would do the back, neck and shoulder first, then turn them over and do the facial, and then finish with the pedicure. it depends on your format and thnings though. in the spa i work at, we have a relaxation area for them to chill in afterwards so they have somehwere to sit and have a coffee etc whilst there nails are drying. hope this helps x
Got my first client booked in for a
back, nceck and shoulder massage,
and pedicure.

Can anyone please advise in which order to do treatments.

Worried about nail polish drying.

Do the pedicure first then the facial and finish with the back massage. i find if you do the pedicure last they are a bit wobbly when they get off the bed. you can do their polish last if you want or you will be waiting ages for it to dry . Good luck:)
tks for your advice but I should have mentioned client is booked in at 5.30pm. It is a late booking for 2 hour treatments.

Because it is a late booking dont know how to work aroung polish being dried in time

I would do either the facial or back neck and shoulder massage first and do the pedicure last. Advise your client to bring some flip flops/sandals and you can always paint the nails with their shoes on then to avoid any smudging.....
You dont want to do the full pedicure first and risk them smudging their nails when turning over on the couch for the other treatments.
Hi i have a lady who regularly has a pedicure and back massage, I do the pedicure first, then transfer her to the couch but place a bolster under her ankles so that her toes dont touch the couch, this work really well for us. so i would do feet, back, face but thats me.
I normally do the pedicure, minus the polish, then the back/neck/shoulders, turn them over & paint the toes & then do the facial (leaving the toes uncovered) whilst the nails dry.
Thanksl for your brlliant advice.

Got it worked out now

Could'nt do it without your help.

Thanks Again

That question was useful for me too! Thank you

I have any eyebrown tint, full body massage and pedicure booked in soon. So Iwas going along the lines of the pedicure (except for polish) then onto couch for brow tint, turn over for massage and finish off with applying the polish. I'm mobile so she will be in her own home.
If it was me having the treatments then I would prefer to have the facial first, then the BNS massage and then the pedicure. Only because even after hands being washed I wouldn't like someone doing my feet first before touching my face! But that's just me but tend to work on my clients this way.
If it was me having the treatments then I would prefer to have the facial first, then the BNS massage and then the pedicure. Only because even after hands being washed I wouldn't like someone doing my feet first before touching my face! But that's just me but tend to work on my clients this way.

I know what you mean but what if the client before you had a pedicure! :lol: I would do Martin's order to let their nails dry but also not have them lying on their back for too long as you can get stiff.

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