Working alone safety advice


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Feb 29, 2016
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Hello all,
I am currently in the middle of moving my business from a rented room in a hairdressers to my own small high street salon. Will be just me working there. I need some tips or ideas on keeping myself safe. I am a young lady and I'm worries about getting robbed or worse! I also work late hours some days when it's dark.

So far I am going to keep the door locked behind me and let people in as I see them. Or maybe keep a buzzer at the desk so they don't realise there being locked out! (Just press button then I see them) but if I see a man at the door I'm not going to not let him in cos he's a man but you don't know what they could do unless it happends.

There will be a privet beauty room out back for privet treatments. I was going to do appointments only and not do treatments on men, unless its recommendations from my other clients/friends.

I can give the garage up the road a panic buzzer so if anything happends they can run down but they are only open till 5 and I'm open till 8 some days.

Any ideas would be great. Thank you
Yes, buzzer system worked well for my salon when no one was on reception or working alone at night. I could speak to them over the handset to check it was who I was expecting and then press a button to release the lock on the door .

Personally I never took men unless there was another member of staff in the salon.
Yes, buzzer system worked well for my salon when no one was on reception or working alone at night. I could speak to them over the handset to check it was who I was expecting and then press a button to release the lock on the door .

Personally I never took men unless there was another member of staff in the salon.

What did you do if you was alone and a man wanted to come in to book a treatment or buy a voucher? Just hope he's a nice guy? Haha worried they act nice then come in. (My mum had a man come in with a knife when she was at a salon so wanting to take care)
I'm on my own quite a lot in my salon and it's never been a problem. I keep my back door locked and the other shops around are really nice and would help if they saw anything dodgy going on. There is a jewellers next door and they have an instant line to the police so I have their number on my desk! We have a community police officer who patrols daily. There are often kids hanging around the back and he moves them on but they have never caused any trouble for me. I have a lock on my till but most people pay by card so rarely lots of cash in there. I suppose it depends on the area but just trust your instincts and if you feel better with door locked then go with that.

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