Nut allergy & SolarOil


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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2009
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As I've mentioed before my daughter has got a nut allergy so I have to be very careful as to which cuticle oil to use well after another reaction of swollen lips she's had further testing & although Shes allergic to peanuts she's not allergic almonds so I'm able to use solar oil!!! I now have my bottle of gold!!! I'm in love with it!!!
Yep. Almonds arent nuts! Congrats!! Love solar oil!!!!
Almonds are but peanuts are a legume!!! In the bean family!!!
Yep. Almonds arent nuts! Congrats!! Love solar oil!!!!

Wow, I never new that Almonds weren't nuts - I'm sure Gigi or S2 would have told us that if that was the case?
Almond is a seed not a nut :D

Its just assumed its a nut because it comes from a hard shell with the seed inside
Wow, I never new that Almonds weren't nuts - I'm sure Gigi or S2 would have told us that if that was the case?

my little brother by proxy (lol) is deathly allergic to nuts and he eats almonds all the time.
{quote Elffie:-

Almond is a seed not a nut
Its just assumed its a nut because it comes from a hard shell with the seed inside}

my little brother by proxy (lol) is deathly allergic to nuts and he eats almonds all the time.

Excellent, you have just made my day.....YEAR!
The bloody doctor said it is a nut!!! Daft man!!! I'm just pleased to finally be able to use it!!! I'm addicted to the lush smell!!!
I was searching through this site on the subject of nut allergy and have been quite alarmed at some of the incorrect info that I have been reading...
I have two kids with Nut allergy, we have been living with this for 17 years now, Almonds ARE on the list of nuts to avoid, as given by the Allergen Specialist at the hospital.
One of mine is Allergic to peanuts and Almonds the other Peanuts and Sesame.
The fact that peanuts are in fact a legume and related to the pea and that Almonds are in fact the seed of a Tree is completely irrelevant, they are both high on the list as being Culprits of serious allergies and I really worry that it has been bandied around on here (albeit with good intentions) that Almonds are safe for nut allergy sufferers, they are not, if you have a Client who is allergic to nuts please do not use Almond unless they have told you that they know for sure that they are not allergic.
Sorry if I am coming across as snippy about it but I have had a child almost die due to Nut Allergy so feel I do know what I am talking about.
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Thank you for informing us, it's important to have to real facts. The doctor wasn't so silly after all.

I have come across similar mistakes as a coeliac, such as my local cafe advertising spelt bread as gluten free (it's not)
Well i wont be buying solar oil :(

Very upset after reading all the brilliant comments about it on here.

Absoloutly nastily allergic to almonds and all nuts :(

Thanks or the heads up though geeks or there would have been a nasty shock for me,
My SIL is highly allergic to nuts and I'm sourcing a separate kit just for allergy folk so I can be sure, I'd rather 2 kits than 1 deadly one.
My daughter is highly dairy allergic and also soya allergic and I've seen soya in some ingredients so being able tohave safe kits is a must.
Regarding solar oil you can also use grapeseed oil for the same job. :)
Edit to add. On all my pots I have known allergies written in red so I can see at a glance.
No problem at all :) I would hate to think of anyone going through what we have been through.
That is an excellent idea with regards to highlighting allergens in red !
I only use Grape seed for massage and add my own essential oils and make my own facial scrub, Cleanser and mask for people with allergies so that I can be sure what is in them, I am working on a moisturiser too.
It's very scary when a reaction to nuts happens & it's so quick too!! It's just peanuts that my daughter is allergic too & has mild reactions to food/products with a high soya content too but it's lucky that since the first bad reaction 5 years ago we've had no more!!

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