1 Look Pamper - any dealings?


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Active Member
Aug 18, 2010
Reaction score
Colne, Lancashire
Hello fellow Geeks

I am brand new to the site and fairly new to the business but have loved looking at the posts over the last couple of days.
I found this site when I was researching a Pamper Company that had booked me for some work but the post about them was a year ago.

I may have had my fingers burned recently so I thought I would check around and see if anybody else had dealings with the company 1 Look Pamper.

I was asked to do some last minute work at a Pamper Party with the proviso that my payment would be received within 7 days of the party. I also took along a fellow nail tech as the terms seemed great & we were available.

I have still not received the payment (3 weeks later) and, despite tring to contact the company, have had no response. :confused:

Now the emails are being returned, the phone line says "ring back later" and any voicemails I have managed to leave have not been dealt with.

I run a Pamper Party business myself so I perhaps should have been more wary. It may all turn out okay in the end but you guys may have experience & advice for me.

Sorry for the ramble

I've done a couple of jobs for 1 Look Pamper. They were fine with me, I got paid within the week. I know they're in the process of trying to sell the business, so maybe their office is a little hectic. hth
Thank you!
It is good to know that they have been great in the past. I don't hold out much hope of getting my money without a fight especially now that you have said they are in the process of selling. :cry:
Their website is still very much active but there is just no communication with them.

I would not recommend them based on my experience so far which is such a shame as it's always good to be on the books of a big company just for those rare 'quiet' times!

I'm going to PM you Carley's mobile number. :green:
I'm pleased I've found this thread. I did a pamper party for them two months ago and still haven't received payment! I've sent several emails, text messages and tried calling but to no avail. Innercalm, did you have any luck in the end? I've worked with a few other pamper party agency's in the past who have all been great, I wont be doing any more work for 1 look that's for sure!
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There is still no sign of my payment and I just keep getting more messages from unhappy therapists that are also still waiting :mad:

Let's keep each other informed and see what we can do.

I have left so many voicemail messages and emails and nothing has been returned so far which is very, very frustrating.

Good luck to everybody else still waiting and please don't be put off from taking work from other companies!
I worked for them a bout a year ago and i got paid, :S
Did you get carlys mobil no. i think i may still have it if not.

Yes, I have Carley's number and have called it several times and left lots of messages but have had no response.
Their business number just says "please try later" it doesn't even give the option for an answer machine message.

I will keep trying and hopefully will have some better news soon:)
I too am waiting for payment for a job I did at the end of July. Having done numerous bookings for this company over the last couple of years I feel completely let down. I was aware that Carley was trying to sell the business, but it never occurred to me that she would vanish into thin air leaving so many therapists unpaid for work they have done. I have also tried calling, left endless messages and finally sent a letter to the registered address which I found on the Website - but still have not heard a thing. If anyone knows of what we can do, please be in touch :irked:
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When I have a little time tomorrow I will look into the legal route to try and get this sorted for everybody.
I would never have taken the last minute work if I had any idea that they were trying to sell the business so I feel quite deceived.

If anybody else has issues please post here and let us see what we can do together - it feels better knowing you are not alone (although I was almost hoping that it was only me and it had been a little glitch!!)

I have tracked Carley down to her Facebook page and left a message but again................... nothing.

I took the work in good faith, did a great job under the circumstances of the poorly arranged pamper party & expected swift payment. That's not unreasonable is it?

OK I'm no legal expert but this is what I would do in your position.

I would send a recorded delivery letter including an invoice and letter to say that the payment is x amount of weeks/months overdue and giving 14 days to pay in full before legal action will be taken to recover the debt.

In the meantime get some info about how to proceed through the small claims court and work out if it is worth doing (compare cost of taking to court which you may not get back if it doesnt go your way, to what the job is worth).

If you are considering legal action then it is worth sending any correspondance via recorded delivery now and asking for reponse in writing. An official letter is likely to be taken more seriously than messages on the phone /Facebook and if there is no response to the letter then consider your position and possibly taking action through the small claims court.

Hope this helps and that the situation gets resolved :hug:
I've just had a text from Carley. If you've worked for her you probably got it too. The company's been sold. If you need her new email and the phone number of the new lady let me know and I'll pm you.

Looks like you'll all be getting your money after all! :green:
I haven't had a text yet so if you have any of the contact details I would be very grateful :)

Thank you everybody for your help and please keep us posted on here if you get your payments

I've pm'd you Claire. :green:
I've pm'd you Claire. :green:

Thank you so much - if anybody else needs the details PM me and I will pass them on.

Good luck girls and keep us all updated when you receive the payment for your hard work :)
Very disapointing, still waiting for
payment too!!!!
Hello fellow Geeks

I am brand new to the site and fairly new to the business but have loved looking at the posts over the last couple of days.
I found this site when I was researching a Pamper Company that had booked me for some work but the post about them was a year ago.

I may have had my fingers burned recently so I thought I would check around and see if anybody else had dealings with the company 1 Look Pamper.

I was asked to do some last minute work at a Pamper Party with the proviso that my payment would be received within 7 days of the party. I also took along a fellow nail tech as the terms seemed great & we were available.

I have still not received the payment (3 weeks later) and, despite tring to contact the company, have had no response. :confused:

Now the emails are being returned, the phone line says "ring back later" and any voicemails I have managed to leave have not been dealt with.

I run a Pamper Party business myself so I perhaps should have been more wary. It may all turn out okay in the end but you guys may have experience & advice for me.

Sorry for the ramble

For anyone still waiting for a reply from 1 look, please see email below:

Dear 1 Look Ltd Therapists,

I would like to make you aware that 1 Look Ltd has now been sold.

The new owner is Jane Horwood, and she will taking over the business effective immediately.

Her contact details are as follows:

Phone: 01452 507718
Email: [email protected]

If there are any outstanding payments/invoices please email these direct to me within 7 days and I will ensure payment is made immediately [email protected]

Jane will contact you all directly once she has everything in place, and new bookings will be on their way to you soon.

I would like to thank you all for your hard work, and wish each and every one of you good luck in the future.

Carley Hill
hi girls - after sending recorded delivery mail and NUMEROUS calls, FINALLY received payment yesterday. am so so relieved.......... :)
hi girls - after sending recorded delivery mail and NUMEROUS calls, FINALLY received payment yesterday. am so so relieved.......... :)

WOW!! Well done, I am still waiting but have slightly more hope now :)

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